What will be the total cost of completing B Tech(4years) in Bio technology from BIT Mesra and NIT Raipur including Hostel Mess etc.
Fees difference in both institute is huge.
Fees for one year
Institute fees...
1.Tuition fees-176000
2.Other fees-11500
3.caution money-10000(one time)
4.one time fees-15000
So total institute fees for 4 year
Hostel fees...
1.58500 for one year(including 5000 caution money)
So fees for 4 years 58500×4-20000=214000
So total fees(institute+hostel)
Note----fees remission for talented students
Are available
NIT raipur
Institute fees(annually)
1.tuition fees-125000
2.other fees-5000
So 4 years fees-125000×4+20000=520000
Hostel fees-31000(annually)
So 4year fees-31000×4=124000
Total fees(institute+hostel for 4 years)
Note----scholarship for NIT student