Hello Deena,
To get job at ISRO you have to clear exam which is conducted by ISRO for various post.
There is no other way for private institutions candidate to get job opportunity in ISRO.
You have to search careers option at official website of ISRO to know more about it.
Here we are providing links by help of this you know about ISRO job opportunity. To know follow the link below:https://www.isro.gov.in/careers
Hope this helps you.
If you have any questions remain than comment below.
Team Careers360
It's good to see young lads as you work in ISRO. See it depends on which branch. of Engineering you belong. basically, after doing BTech, you will be getting Scientist/ Engineer jobs. Electrical, Civil, Mechanical and nowadays Computer Science Engineers are recruited basically. You will be instructed to work in Field Project maybe, or CS is there to develop software for newer simulations. So you can understand everyone's job profile is different. So it is better you visit the official Website once.
1. At the time of joining you will get 51000 INR monthly pay. Apart, they will also bear your House Rent and Transportation Allowance.
2. ISRO is one of the largest and reputed organizations of modern India. People dying to get a job there. You can understand the value and privilege of this organization.
3. Most Important is Job Security. You will be getting longtime employment along with all the promises they made.
4. You and your family members will get medical facilities also.
So, its much better job profile than any other Indian Jobs.
1. 11-12th Standard or equivalent in science(PCM). Appear for JEE Mains, get into an engineering college.
2. Besides after clearing JEE Advanced take admission in IIT or IIST.
3. If you are in IIST, then score a CGPA over selection criteria and appear for ISRO Counselling.
4. If you are in IIT or any engineering college, complete your degree with more than 65% marks or equivalent.
5. Seat for ICRB* , if you are able to clear; then appear for Interview.
6. If you clear their Interview you will be hired.
ICRB stands for ISRO Centralised Recruitment Board. It organizes recruitment exams every year according to the vacancies available. For more information, you can check this link also https://www.careers360.com/question-when-will-be-the-next-scheduled-date-for-isro-exams
All the necessary information is provided.
Best Wishes for your future! For any query feel free to ask us, you can comment below.
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