When the cat exam solution will release?
Hello Ambarish,
Congrats for clearing first hurdle of CAT !
You can refer to get to know about estimated CAT percentile.
You can expect solutions by dec mid and followed by ans booklet release.
Now, the results will be announced within a month probably before Jan First week.
By knowing your estimated Percentile, you can apply to other Top Tier B School.
Hope it clears your doubts. All the best. Enjoy the day
Dear Ambarish, CAT 2018 has been conducted on Sunday, November 25, 2018. The answer key of CAT 2018 will be released by the exam conducting body IIM Calcutta along with the question paper in the first week of December 2018. IIMs started releasing the CAT answer key only from last year. In the CAT 2018 answer key, along with the question paper, the correct answers will be marked in the green colour. Starting from last year, IIMs also allowed the test takers to file objections if they find any discrepancy in the CAT answer key. To file an objection, candidates will have to pay a certain amount. Last year, the fee to file an objection was Rs. 1000.
It isn't out yet.I would ask you to wait for a day or two and well will notify for the same.Stay connected with us.
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