Whether choosing mechatronics engineering as career is best or not in future
Every branch is good in enginering it's totally depends on the interest of the student. There is always a good scope for the right candidate.
Mechatronics is a blend of branches of engineering like Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science.
Professionals in Mechatronics can work in areas like design, R&D, manufacture, production, safety, and quality.
It has a lot of scope. You should try to get into top colleges in this field to get good placements and packages.
Good Luck!!

You should have confident in you and you should be determined.
Try to get admission in top colleges. Perform well in your grades.
According, to careers 360 it has AAA+ rating which means Good.
Ratings are based on Placements, Faculty, Cut-offs of national / state level Entrance exams, Accreditation and Reward status and Publication record from Elsevier’s indexing database - Scopus.
So, you can consider your admission.
Good Luck!!