Which branch of engineering is good to crack gate exam electrical, mechanical or civil?
All it depends on you are interested in which branch. If you are interested in your branch then it would be easy for you to learn the syllabus of gate for that branch. Dont focus on easier branch but your interest then no one can stop you clearing gate exam.
have interest in a subject then you
would not feel it difficult to study
But from what I have heard and seen
Civil is regarded as the difficult of all to
study as it concludes massive theory
and numerical parts with many rules to
learn. Mostly there many formulas and
tables that you have to remember at all
According to me all the core branches like ee,mechanical,ECE,civil serves as the best branches to crack gate.
Now if I have to answer your question then I think mechanical would be the best choice if I have to choose bw your 3 choices.
But go for the branch you would like in 4 years , don't overput the gate exam over your interest.
All the best!!!!
Chemical engineering is also a good and unique profile.
It also has less competition.
Electrical and mechanical have good government jobs whereas if you choose CSE then you'll land into IT sector companies.
Hope it helps.
first of all if you interest in your particular branch and you work hard you can crack the exam .
Interest and hardwork is most important.
civil has more opportunities for government jobs .Mechanical branch has most candidates appearing for gate i.e around 2.5 lakhs and in all branches a rank below 500 general rank is required for psus and below 2000 for mtech in iits.
all the best
Whichever branch you are interested in or which ever subject you like will be the easiest branch to crack but generally competition is more in mechanical compared to any other branch.
Hope the details were helpful
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Competition is tough in every branch as this is a national level exam.But if you compare these three branches then i would recommend you civil engineering as it has a no. of seats each year and also the syllabus has a lot theoritical parts so it may be easier for you to crack.But, don't think that you can clear GATE by just studying two three months.You have to be consistent.Otherwise all branches have a tough competition.So,be prepared for that.You should opt engineering branch not for GATE it should be according to your interest.Competition is almost same in each branch.
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