Which is Best (B.Sc) in computer science or Bio-Technology in Job opportunities?
Answer (1)
In the long run, computer science. But here are some assumptions:
- Biotechnology is dependent upon government and private capital funding. That means that if the technology is not immediately convertible to a "need", then the chances of significant funding are limited. This means that future career opportunities is uncertain. It is common in biotechnology companies to die and to be reborn as a subsidiary or die. Either way, you have to look for another job.
- Computer science until the age of 40 is very promising. After the age of 40, age bias is much more prominent in computer science, in my opinion,than in biotechnology. Your salary levels will much bigger than in biotechnology but your earning period will be less. Computer science is not as expected to external governmental financing but may be held hostage to political idealism.
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