Which is best for btech through CS MMM, Gkp or IET, Lucknow
Answer (1)
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The main advantage of IET is its location (400500 km from Delhi/Noida & better functional airport), coaching for GATE, CAT, etc..
Teaching is more or less the same.
During my time The placements of MMM were better, I donot know about the current scenario.
Facilities of MMMUT are far better than IET.
But I believe if you want to study CS/EC choose IET (Not at all undermining MMM's CS or EC, this is because MMM lacks exposure which is very necesassary for someone who is studying EC/CS).
Civil definitely MMM (One of the best departments (state level) )
Mech or Electrical depends on you what you want to do.
Chemical :- IET.
Views are personnel.
Fees MMM> Fee IET
Alumni Base MMM > Alumni Base IET
MMM has (a huge) very well organised Alumni Base.
Internet Facility at MMM awesome 100 Gbps bandwidth (thumbs up for ITRC as well).
Thanks for Asking
The main advantage of IET is its location (400500 km from Delhi/Noida & better functional airport), coaching for GATE, CAT, etc..
Teaching is more or less the same.
During my time The placements of MMM were better, I donot know about the current scenario.
Facilities of MMMUT are far better than IET.
But I believe if you want to study CS/EC choose IET (Not at all undermining MMM's CS or EC, this is because MMM lacks exposure which is very necesassary for someone who is studying EC/CS).
Civil definitely MMM (One of the best departments (state level) )
Mech or Electrical depends on you what you want to do.
Chemical :- IET.
Views are personnel.
Fees MMM> Fee IET
Alumni Base MMM > Alumni Base IET
MMM has (a huge) very well organised Alumni Base.
Internet Facility at MMM awesome 100 Gbps bandwidth (thumbs up for ITRC as well).
Thanks for Asking

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