Which is better IIIT Hyderabad and IIT Thirupthi ?
When we talk about computer science specifically, IIIT-H obviously wins the battle. However, declaring IIIT-H better than IITs in computer science will not be entirely true. Keeping our discussion unbiased, we realize that the answer to the question, whether IIIT-H is better than IITs or not in computer science, depends a lot on various factors.
There is no doubt that IIIT-H is really good in computer science. But there are IITs with lots of departmentsin computer science and huge benefits of having those departments in the stream. If you really wish to learn good computer science then obviously IIIT-H is your best bet but what if your interest in computer science drops midway? With lots of department in computer science in any IIT, you can switch to other department or branch of your choice. Well, as an engineer, it is really important to experience and explore other options to make your learning stronger.
Hi dear,
Hope you are doing well.
Now let's go through your question.
First of all both of these excellent institutions.
But the course at the IIIT Hyderabad is more reputed than the same one at a less prominent IIT/New IITs.This is mainly due to shortage of faculty and absence of infrastructure in new IITs like IIT-TP.
Faculty shortage is a problem that all the IITs are currently dealing with butbtut will surely hit the new IITs example IIT Thirupati.
Even recruiters say if there is a pecking order then they would prefer to go to the older, more established IITs, than the NITs/IIITs and then the new IITs.
Most of the top recruiters flock to these premium institutions year after year, many of them avoid the new ones .
As of now, the old institutes do have an upper hand when compared to the newer IITs(IIT-TP in your case) but the result will be different in the near future.
And I will conclude with if you want to pursue any course now then go with IIIT-Hyderabad over IIT-TP as it is one of the blue-ribbon institute of the nation.
Thank You & All the best!