Which one should I choose Nit Rourkela mining vs Nit Calicut Production vs Nit Warangal Biotech vs Dtu chemical in terms of placements ? I am interested in coding and like to sit in Tech placements. Please help.
Hi Aspirant!
The college can be compared on the facilities and placements.According to NIRF ranking we consider its facilities and exposure.The NIRF ranking of NIT Rourkela is 16, NIT Warangal 19, NIT Calicut 23,DTU 36.
As you have interest in Computer Science/Coding then in this case college does not matter as in this field only your skills matter.But the better college on NIRF ranking can provide you best/more opportunities to explore.
Now on the basis on placements the average package of NIT Rourkela is 15.18LPA,NIT Warangal 13.3LPA,NIT Calicut 8 LPA,DTU has 16LPA.
Hence on the basis of Placements DTU is best.I still recommend you to go for NIT Rourkela because it provides you more opportunities than DTU.
I hope it helps.
Happy Hustling!