will I increase my marks from 134 to 690- 700 by taking drop of 1 year for NEET 2023 ? what should i have to do in this drop year my chemistry portion is very week how will i improve it in this time period??
First of all I would like to tell you that the marks you are targetting after for the next NEET examination, would fetch you seat in Top Medical College of India ie AIIMS DELHI which is considered tobe one of the most tough task for a medical aspirant.
------ Though it is going to be very hard, but if you work hard and smart, you can definitely achieve your goal.
NEET UG is one of the toughest Entrance Examination.
Though it might be one of the toughest Entrance Examination but with hardwork and meticulous preparation it can be cracked.
------- So if you wish to take a drop and prepare again for the examination then first ensure that you will be committed to your studies and education throughout this drop year.
---------- What most of the dropper find it difficult is that their zeal to prepare and work hard for the exam fizzles out after a month of preparation or so and they end up wasting the whole year.
So, before making a decision ensure you will work hard and avoid all sorts of procrastination.
------ Now talking about preparatory ways for the examination. Some of them include preparing a suitable timetable, using the right study materials, solving question papers and mock tests and these will all help you study productively and perform excellently in the exams.
------ Complete your Syllabus with complete understanding of all the concepts as soon as possible.
------- Ensure you practice as many questions as possible, it will help you in understanding mistakes and developing new concept.
------- Also it is must you give time to time mock test to see your level of preparation.
------- Clear all your doubts with the teachers or friend regarding a difficult concept. This will be helpful in developing a better understanding of that particular concept.
For more detailed tips and strategies for PREPRATION for NEET UG EXAMINATION, and also more information about IMPORTANT BOOKS FOR NEET, kindly check out the link given below -
I hope you find the answer helpful
Thank you.
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