With 2742 state rank and belonging to obc B category which medical or dental college I will get?
Hey animesh
As you have not mentioned your domicile state it will be difficult to suggest medical and dental colleges to you. With this rank and belonging to OBC you can get govt medical college thriugh state quota as well as all india quota. I provided a link below which can help you to find colleges.
We are predicting this on the basis of previous year cut off trends. We. Are not sure about this year cut off as it changes every year depending on no.of candidates, no.of seats and difficulty of exam. So hope for better result this time.
Here is a tool which can predict college on the basis of neet score. I hope this might help you
Hello Animesh,
Admission to Medical College depends on state, category, cut off & the requirement of College.
As per your score and category you could secure seat for MBBS or BDS in Government college and also in private college.
As you haven't described your state, I would enlist here top MBBS colleges in India:
- All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi
- Christian Medical College, Vellore
- King George's Medical University, Lucknow
- University College of Medical Sciences, University of Delhi, Delhi
- Kasturba Medical College, Manipal
- Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and ResearcH Puducherry
Click on this link for more details