would i be eligible for institute level seat or against cap vacant seat if i have freeze my alloted seat in mba cet 1st cap round?
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Hello Candidate!
Since you chose to 'freeze' your allotted seat in round 1 itself you will not be considered for the subsequent round 2 or 3.
However, you will be able to participate in CAP round IV. The seats available for this round shall be published on the website. You are allowed to fill in or edit the already filled online option form. The seats to be allotted during this round shall be subject to the following conditions.-
(1) Before start of this round, you can change their option from Freezing to Floating or vice-versa
Following candidates will be considered eligible for this round:
a. The eligible Candidates who have not been allotted any seat in any of the previous rounds or not participated by the way
of not filling the Option form in CAP Round I; or
b. Those who have taken and cancelled their admission in the earlier
rounds; or
c. Those who have rejected the offered seat by not reporting to the
Admission Centre ; or
d. Those who have Freezed the admission in earlier rounds but are
desirous of changing the option to Floating in this final round.
(3) Floating options are not available in this round as it is the final CAP Round.
(4)After final CAP Round, you shall report to the institution finally allotted and confirm your admission in the institution.
Hope this helps.
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