Abhinav Institute of Pharmacy, Kalyan offers various facilities for the convenience of students. Abhinav Institute of Pharmacy Kalyan facilities include transportation facilities, a cafeteria for food and beverages, a library, laboratories, and many others. Other than these, Abhinav Institute of Pharmacy Kalyan facilities also include a convenience store, medical/hospital, and others. Outdoor and indoor sports facilities are also available at Abhinav Institute of Pharmacy Kalyan.
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Abhinav Institute of Pharmacy, Kalyan facilities include a library for students and faculty on campus. The library provides subject-related books, magazines, newspapers and many others.
The college has a departmental-based laboratory facility for the students.
Abhinav Institute of Pharmacy, Kalyan includes an auditorium facility to conduct events and seminars on campus.
Abhinav Institute of Pharmacy Kalyan students have access to indoor and outdoor sports facilities to help them balance academics and extracurricular activities. Indoor game facilities like table tennis tables, carom, and chess are available.
Abhinav Institute of Pharmacy Kalyan facilities include a convenience store that provides all the basic needs of students and staff on campus.
The college has an excellent IT Infrastructure facility for the students.
Abhinav Institute of Pharmacy Kalyan facilities include a health centre that provides first aid facilities on campus in case of emergency.
Hi Aspirant,
The Fee structure for Diploma Pharmacy Course is 40,000 per semester which is the tuition fees and the admission fees taken during the time of admission is 5000.So the total tuition fees coming nearabout Rs 3,32,000.Apart from these there a library fees,games fees etc which are a meagre amount depending on college to college.
Hope it helps!