Govt polytechnic Jagatsinghpur (GPJ) offers various facilities to its students and staff. The GP Jagatsinghpur facilities include a library, a computer center, a hostel, a canteen, sports and cultural activities, and online services. This page gives detailed information about the Govt polytechnic Jagatsinghpur facilities and their features.
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The college has a Central Library consisting of around 4000 no. of books
The college has an excellent IT Infrastructure facility for the students.
The college has a library facility for all students.
The college has sports facilities for all students.
The college has a boys’ hostel facility which provides 100 seated Hostel for Boys.
The college has a girl's hostel facility which provides good hostel accommodation of 60 seated hostel for girls.
Student services including training, placement, campus interviews, career counseling of students, professional aims and plans, vacation bridge courses, Staff development (HRD), Industrial Liaison etc. Training Section