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MPLAW Facilities

Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad provides many facilities with the aim of the growth and development of the students. MPLAW Aurangabad facilities include hostels, a library, sports, a medical clinic, IT infrastructure and moot court facilities. MPLAW Aurangabad hostel facilities are available for both boys and girls students. Games like badminton, table tennis, football, volleyball, hockey, cricket and many others are available in the MPLAW Aurangabad sports complex. 

MPLAW Aurangabad also has a central library, where both physical and online resources are available. The on-campus medical clinic provides both primary and emergency services. The institute's IT infrastructure is well-maintained.

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  • Boys Hostel

    The college have a facility of boys hostel. Hostel is supervised by a warden.In the Boys hostel Shared accommodation total 48 students. In both the Hostels are inclusive of one TV room / reading room, / Visitor room & one office There is a acquaguards for drinking water, hot water facility with the solar panels, generators for both the hostels. Both the Hostel buildings are spacious properly ventilated and adequately furnished Both the Hostels are well secured and guarded for 24 Hrs. Premises are under CC TV surveillance HOSTEL RULES:- Hostel Management 1.1 The following officers constitute the Hostel Management: a) Secretary of Management b) Principal of College c) Rector of Hostel d) Two Members from Teaching staff and one member from non teaching staff. 1.2 Hostel is managed by Warden/Rector. The students can approach any of the above officers for help, guidance and grievance Redressal. Representations to higher officers must be forwarded through proper channel. 2. ACCOMMODATION. 2.1 Admission will be given in the hostel based on academic performance in the previous year & Particular Preferences will be given to Pre Law I / LL.B. I year students Accommodation is available only for one academic year. No student will have a right to occupy of a room during vacation. No Admission shall be given to the Fail or ATKT Students. 2.2 A student admitted to M.P. Law College Aurangabad, only shall be eligible to apply for admission to hostel. 2.3 Students will have to buy prospectus and apply for admission in the prescribed form through the Rector to the Principal of the college. 2.4 Admission will be granted by management at its own discretion. 2.5 Admission to the hostel will be confirmed and room will be allotted only after the student pays hostel fees and deposits and submits receipts in the hostel office. 2.6 For students, whose result of earlier annual/semester is pending may be admitted to the hostel only provisionally. Admission of such students shall be confirmed after the declaration of result and only if they become eligible for succeeding year of study. 2.7 Admission to the hostel will be valid only for one academic year. 2.8 Student desirous of continuing admission in the hostel for the next academic year will have to follow the same procedure as prescribed for first year admission in the hostel. The admission to such student will be given only by seeing his behaviour in the previous year of stay in the hostel and as per the merit decided by management. Ill disciplined students will not be given admission in the hostel for next academic year. 3. CONDITIONS OF ALLOTMENT 3.1 At the beginning of every academic year while admitting student in the hostel they shall submit a duly completed Personal Data Form. The telephone number of the parent with STD code must be provided. Local Guardian's addressed, Email with phone numbers. Any change of address / telephone number of the parent / local guardian, at any point of time, has to be intimated to the hostel office in witting immediately. 3.2 The Hostel Management will generally provide minimum furniture and fittings for each room consisting of consisting of cot, table, chair, ceiling fan with regulator and, a tube light fitting. 3.3 Rooms once allotted shall not be changed. Changing allotted room and the furniture without prior permission from hostel authority. In all above matters the decision of the Principal of college, based on the report and recommendation of the Rector of colleges shall be final and binding on the students. The students will strictly adhere to the rules of discipline framed by the college and the Hostel authorities, from time to time. 4. CODE OF CONDUCT 4.1 All students are required to maintain standards of behavior and to maintain prestige of the Institution. They are expected to behave politely and fairly with everyone both inside and outside the campus. 4.2 All students are required to carry their valid Identity Cards issued to them by the Institute same is to be produced as and when required/demanded by any authority. 4.3 The rooms, common areas and surroundings should be kept clean and hygienic. Every student shall participate in cleaning campus once in a week. 4.4 All the students are bound to be in the hostel before 9.00 p.m. If any student wishes to be away from the hostel during the weekend, holidays or any other time, he/she has to take prior permission in writing from the rector/principal. 4.5 Rooms are allotted to each student on his/ her personal responsibility. He/she should see to the upkeep of his / her room, hostel and its environment. 4.6 The students should not screen pirated / unauthorized / unlicensed movies in their computers and common rooms. Any violation will be dealt severely. Punishment for the same will be decided by authorities. 4.7 Before vacating the rooms, the students should fill up the Room Vacating Slip in triplicate which bearing the signature of warden. In case of damage to or loss of hostel property the cost will be recovered from the students responsible for such damage or loss, if identified, or from all the students of the hostel, as decided by the rector. 4.8 Ragging of students admitted to the Institute is totally banned. Any violation of this by the students will be dealt with very severely. UGC Regulations on The Menace of RAGGING in Higher Education Institutions,2009.(under Section 26(1)(g) of the university grants Commission Act,1956. 4.9 Smoking and consumption of alcoholic drinks and / or narcotic drugs in hostel premises is strictly prohibited. Students shall not enter the hostel premises in intoxicated state and should not possess such materials. If any student is found with such prohibited substances, then he/she shall be responsible to be eliminate from hostel as well as from college. Hostel zone is a smoke-free zone in the Institute. Students should not smoke inside the hostel / room / common room / dining hall / toilets / corridors / terrace etc. Depending on the case, the management reserves the right to take disciplinary action, including the expulsion of such students without notice. 4.10 Students should not arrange for any picnic/programme outside without specific permission from warden. If anything happen during the same no member of management/ staff/warden/principal shall be responsible 4.11 The students are responsible for the safe keeping of their personal belongings and all valuable items such as Laptop, Mobile Phone, money, gold ornament, vehicle etc. 4.12 Students are not allowed to participate in any religious, political or anti-social activities which affect the reputation of institution. If any student is found involved in such activity then he/she shall be expelled from hostel and college. If anything happened during the same then concern student and parents are responsible for the consequences. 4.13 Students are not allowed to bring any person/ group of person other than parents and hostel inmate in the hostel premises. If any outsider takes part or involves in the manner in hostel activities, then the strict action shall be taken against concern student. 4.14 If the student want to arrange/celebrate any programmed, festival in hostel, written permission from warden/Principal is compulsory. 4.15. If any students want to go outside from hostel premises it is compulsory to make an entry in register maintain for this purpose. Anything happens outside the hostel no authority of hostel /college shall be responsible. 4.16. Parents/ guardian/relatives of students shall visit their wards from 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM only. No parents/guardian/relatives/friends/caretaker is allowed to reside in hostel without written permission from warden/rector. If any person found then concern students shall libel for strict action along with the fine up to 500:00 per day. 4.17. All powers are reserve with Principal of the institution/ rector/member of management to change in any rules and regulation concerning the hostel matter, the above authority reserve the power to suspend, punish, banish any student from hostel if it is required for maintain discipline and the prestige of the college without assigning any reason on his/her part.

  • Girls Hostel

    The college have a facility of girls hostel. Hostel is supervised by a warden. It has a capacity of holding 96 students. In both the Hostels are inclusive of one TV room / reading room, / Visitor room & one office There is a acquaguards for drinking water, hot water facility with the solar panels, generators for both the hostels. Both the Hostel buildings are spacious properly ventilated and adequately furnished Both the Hostels are well secured and guarded for 24 Hrs. Premises are under CC TV surveillance HOSTEL RULES:- Hostel Management 1.1 The following officers constitute the Hostel Management: a) Secretary of Management b) Principal of College c) Rector of Hostel d) Two Members from Teaching staff and one member from non teaching staff. 1.2 Hostel is managed by Warden/Rector. The students can approach any of the above officers for help, guidance and grievance Redressal. Representations to higher officers must be forwarded through proper channel. 2. ACCOMMODATION. 2.1 Admission will be given in the hostel based on academic performance in the previous year & Particular Preferences will be given to Pre Law I / LL.B. I year students Accommodation is available only for one academic year. No student will have a right to occupy of a room during vacation. No Admission shall be given to the Fail or ATKT Students. 2.2 A student admitted to M.P. Law College Aurangabad, only shall be eligible to apply for admission to hostel. 2.3 Students will have to buy prospectus and apply for admission in the prescribed form through the Rector to the Principal of the college. 2.4 Admission will be granted by management at its own discretion. 2.5 Admission to the hostel will be confirmed and room will be allotted only after the student pays hostel fees and deposits and submits receipts in the hostel office. 2.6 For students, whose result of earlier annual/semester is pending may be admitted to the hostel only provisionally. Admission of such students shall be confirmed after the declaration of result and only if they become eligible for succeeding year of study. 2.7 Admission to the hostel will be valid only for one academic year. 2.8 Student desirous of continuing admission in the hostel for the next academic year will have to follow the same procedure as prescribed for first year admission in the hostel. The admission to such student will be given only by seeing his behaviour in the previous year of stay in the hostel and as per the merit decided by management. Ill disciplined students will not be given admission in the hostel for next academic year. 3. CONDITIONS OF ALLOTMENT 3.1 At the beginning of every academic year while admitting student in the hostel they shall submit a duly completed Personal Data Form. The telephone number of the parent with STD code must be provided. Local Guardian's addressed, Email with phone numbers. Any change of address / telephone number of the parent / local guardian, at any point of time, has to be intimated to the hostel office in witting immediately. 3.2 The Hostel Management will generally provide minimum furniture and fittings for each room consisting of consisting of cot, table, chair, ceiling fan with regulator and, a tube light fitting. 3.3 Rooms once allotted shall not be changed. Changing allotted room and the furniture without prior permission from hostel authority. In all above matters the decision of the Principal of college, based on the report and recommendation of the Rector of colleges shall be final and binding on the students. The students will strictly adhere to the rules of discipline framed by the college and the Hostel authorities, from time to time. 4. CODE OF CONDUCT 4.1 All students are required to maintain standards of behavior and to maintain prestige of the Institution. They are expected to behave politely and fairly with everyone both inside and outside the campus. 4.2 All students are required to carry their valid Identity Cards issued to them by the Institute same is to be produced as and when required/demanded by any authority. 4.3 The rooms, common areas and surroundings should be kept clean and hygienic. Every student shall participate in cleaning campus once in a week. 4.4 All the students are bound to be in the hostel before 9.00 p.m. If any student wishes to be away from the hostel during the weekend, holidays or any other time, he/she has to take prior permission in writing from the rector/principal. 4.5 Rooms are allotted to each student on his/ her personal responsibility. He/she should see to the upkeep of his / her room, hostel and its environment. 4.6 The students should not screen pirated / unauthorized / unlicensed movies in their computers and common rooms. Any violation will be dealt severely. Punishment for the same will be decided by authorities. 4.7 Before vacating the rooms, the students should fill up the Room Vacating Slip in triplicate which bearing the signature of warden. In case of damage to or loss of hostel property the cost will be recovered from the students responsible for such damage or loss, if identified, or from all the students of the hostel, as decided by the rector. 4.8 Ragging of students admitted to the Institute is totally banned. Any violation of this by the students will be dealt with very severely. UGC Regulations on The Menace of RAGGING in Higher Education Institutions,2009.(under Section 26(1)(g) of the university grants Commission Act,1956. 4.9 Smoking and consumption of alcoholic drinks and / or narcotic drugs in hostel premises is strictly prohibited. Students shall not enter the hostel premises in intoxicated state and should not possess such materials. If any student is found with such prohibited substances, then he/she shall be responsible to be eliminate from hostel as well as from college. Hostel zone is a smoke-free zone in the Institute. Students should not smoke inside the hostel / room / common room / dining hall / toilets / corridors / terrace etc. Depending on the case, the management reserves the right to take disciplinary action, including the expulsion of such students without notice. 4.10 Students should not arrange for any picnic/programme outside without specific permission from warden. If anything happen during the same no member of management/ staff/warden/principal shall be responsible 4.11 The students are responsible for the safe keeping of their personal belongings and all valuable items such as Laptop, Mobile Phone, money, gold ornament, vehicle etc. 4.12 Students are not allowed to participate in any religious, political or anti-social activities which affect the reputation of institution. If any student is found involved in such activity then he/she shall be expelled from hostel and college. If anything happened during the same then concern student and parents are responsible for the consequences. 4.13 Students are not allowed to bring any person/ group of person other than parents and hostel inmate in the hostel premises. If any outsider takes part or involves in the manner in hostel activities, then the strict action shall be taken against concern student. 4.14 If the student want to arrange/celebrate any programmed, festival in hostel, written permission from warden/Principal is compulsory. 4.15. If any students want to go outside from hostel premises it is compulsory to make an entry in register maintain for this purpose. Anything happens outside the hostel no authority of hostel /college shall be responsible. 4.16. Parents/ guardian/relatives of students shall visit their wards from 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM only. No parents/guardian/relatives/friends/caretaker is allowed to reside in hostel without written permission from warden/rector. If any person found then concern students shall libel for strict action along with the fine up to 500:00 per day. 4.17. All powers are reserve with Principal of the institution/ rector/member of management to change in any rules and regulation concerning the hostel matter, the above authority reserve the power to suspend, punish, banish any student from hostel if it is required for maintain discipline and the prestige of the college without assigning any reason on his/her part.

  • Medical/Hospital

    The college has a health centre with first aid facility for the students.

  • Library

    Library is the "Heart and Soul" of the Academic Institution and plays an important role for designing the career of students. This College has been keenly interested and devoted to develop its Library by providing Internet facility and free access to the Students to go into the racks.It has a collection of more than 20,000 volumes of Books covering a wide range of general and special subjects consisting of Text book, Reference books, current and old volumes of Journals and Reports etc. are the glorious features to go our Library. The Library functions between 8.00 am to 5 pm. Books are being supplied to the Students on submission of the Library Card.

  • Sports

    The Manikchand Pahade Law College Physical education & Sports department was established in 1992. We consider sports as essential component of human resource development, promoting values such as good health, leadership & spirit of healthy competition which in turn has positive impact on holistic development of personality of the youth, who are a potential source of energy, enthusiasm and inspiration for development, progress and prosperity of a Nation. Since the inception, the sports performance has only increased in ascending order. Today, the guidance and training our sportsmen are achieving great blings at national and international level. The Main Aim of Department is not merely participation & results but also to develop overall personality and fitness of our students. We encourage all students to take part actively in sports activities and competitions with true spirit of sportsmanship. Every year we have scheduled for practice in various games and all sports equipment are provided by sports department. Facilities To contribute for building a better world by educating the youth through sport practiced without any discrimination and in the spirit of sportsmanship, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play. To organize Inter college sports competitions to engage more students in sporting activity. To develop the elements for leading a healthy lifestyle. To maintain Fitness, to Develop their Muscular strength, to increase their Stamina and thus to Stretch their Physical Abilities. To offer sports scholarship, prizes and other awards to sportsmen’s with special capabilities. To review the progress on developing, maintaining and optimally utilizing sports infrastructure. To advice on creating a culture of sports by imbibing higher moral and ethical values, spirit of comradeship and the desire to excel. To recognize talent in sports and reward young women and men, who achieve excellence in sports. To host intercollegiate, University level and State level Sports Events. Vision: Overall development of each and every student in the following areas: i) Optimum development ii) Physical development iii) Mental development iv) Emotional development v) Intellectual development vi) Personal adjustment vii) Character development Mission: More representations at national and international events. Representations at more sports events. To prepare our students for a competitive world through the ethics of sports. Host as many events as possible to encourage our regular students to observe and for their active participation. Sports Facilities By providing attractive new facilities we would be happy to engage student in positive spare time engagement that will promote personal growth this is important for healthy development and enhancing the quality of student life and preparing people for the future that would also increase overall satisfaction with the collegiate experience and make a positive contribution to institutions. With an interest in promoting free time physical activity college Sports Dept. has developed and developing various sports facilities to give momentum to students.

  • I.T Infrastructure

    The College boasts of a well equipped computer lab open to all students. With LAN system, the lab has 37 computer sets which are used by students for research work. It remains open during the college working hours and also extends till late evening for the convenience of the students. It is highly comfortable, spacious room which can accommodate 30-40 students at any given time. Students have for their assistance a lab assistant. The students have access to the e-library that includes 2100 e-journals and 51000 e-books, apart from Manupatra and Supreme Court Cases online. This helps greatly in research work

Student Reviews for MPLAW

College Infrastructure: 3/5
Academics: 4.5/5
Placements: 2.5/5
Value for Money: 3/5
Campus Life: 4/5

Best law college in Maharashtra

Verified Review

College Infrastructure

This college have all the required facilities for students, there is sports ground is there outside college and also there is a big library there in this college. This college have good space for Students.

No exaggerating-we are taught here to built ourselves

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