The College has a library which is the most important section of every educational college. The Library is fully Computerized and equipped with a large and good collection of books and also has the facility of a book bank. The Institutional Library has books related to all the courses offered by our college. Apart from the books, the library has magazines, journals, and other current study materials like Video Cassettes, and CD-ROMs are also available for the readers or users. The primary aim is to provide material to carry out a balance between studies and technology best suited to present conditions and enable the students to compete in the international arena. A book bank scheme is implemented which helps the students to obtain the latest books free of cost by depositing nominal security refundable on completion of their studies. A number of popular journals and periodicals have been subscribed for the benefit of all types of readers.
The College provides Sports facilities for indoor & outdoor sports including Badminton, Cricket, Football, and a number of other activities. The Institute supports the Students Sports Club and is achieving considerable success in the expansion of intramural and recreation programs. The Institute is able to offer advice on personal fitness programs and conducts a series of regular fitness assessments also operated within the Institute. After screening the cream of talents, Yaduvanshi Polytechnic organizes competitions with other Institutes from time to time to realize the potential of in-house competition.
The college has an excellent IT Infrastructure facility for the students. Computer Lab is equipped with computers powered by the latest processors with LCDs. The lab is networked & possesses a clock internet facility with Speed.
The College has a well-furnished canteen.
The college has a transport facility for students and staff.
The college has a departmental-based laboratory facility for the students.
The college has an auditorium facility for events and seminars.
The college has a Gym facility for the students.
The college has guest house/waiting room facilities for visiting faculty and student family members.