Start with the basics
Getting your concepts clear is the key to successfully solving quantitative ability questions. It is important for the candidates to start by learning the concepts which are used to solve questions in this section.
When you know the basic concepts, you must practice by solving more and more questions. It is important to follow the concepts learnt and practice each concept by solving simple examples first, and gradually moving towards the difficult ones.
To prepare for Quant section of CAT books are the best source to learn the concepts and enhance your knowledge on a topic. Subhrajyoti Saha, CAT 2016 Topper and IIM Shillong student prepared from books and practised from the practice papers available in the books. He says, I practised a lot of questions from the book and also from online resources. I referred to Arun Sharma books on Quantitative Aptitude and study materials from my coaching institute.
Best Books to prepare for CAT Quantitative Aptitude Section
The QA section tests the problem-solving approach of the aspirants. QA covers topics like Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Number System, Modern Mathematics and other questions related to Higher Maths. It is important to check the books from where the candidates can prepare for quantitative aptitude for CAT. Here is the list of best books to prepare for this section of CAT:
Arun Sharmas How to prepare for Quantitative Ability for CAT, published by Tata McGraw Hill. The book follows the latest pattern of CAT with a focus on one of the most important components of the CAT exam is Quantitative Aptitude.
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations by Abhijit Guha (Tata McGraw-Hill) has a comprehensive step-by-step problem-solving guide.
How to Prepare for the CAT Common Admissions Test by Muhamed Muneer, published by Om Books, is another book that is simple and easy to understand, and has mock tests and solved CAT papers from previous years.
Quantitative Aptitude for CAT and Other MBA Entrance Exams by Trishna Knowledge Systems (Pearson) has many practice exercises in increasing difficulty for a gradual transition.
Arun Sharmas The Complete CAT Digest, by Tata McGraw-Hill, is a must-have for any CAT aspirant.
Plan your preparation schedule
A clear cut time table holds the key to crack CAT. When one is wondering as to how to "How to Prepare for CAT Quantitative Ability (QA)," then in such a scenario a realistic time table is very important. Candidates, after going through the syllabus and exam pattern, should assess how much time they will need to prepare for each topic and ensure that one does not leave any topic uncovered. One of the important strategies to cover each topic is to make a Day-wise preparation plan and schedule some number of days to prepare for that topic. Allot the following number of days to the below given quant topics,
Number System: Five days
Algebra: Eight Days
Geometry: Eight Days
Permutation & Combination/Probability: Five Days
Miscellaneous Topics: Five Days
Focus on Weak Areas
The thumb rule of a great preparation is to focus on the weak areas and overcome the mistakes that one is making. During the course of preparation, one must focus on learning, practicing and revising the QA topics in which they are weak.
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I hope this helps
Preparation tips:
Because this section involves mathematics and takes most of your time, your focus should be on solving the problems efficiently in the beginning. Even if it takes time, practise upto perfection. Practise as many questions as you can in the conventional way. As and when you get a grip on the subject, you can go for short cuts. Memorise tables, square roots, cube roots, conversion from percent to fraction, etc. Solve sample papers on Mathematics. In the beginning, do not worry about the time it takes. As you practise, you will get the hang of the subject and it will be easier for you.
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