Can i clear the entrance test of engineering colleges with just basic 12th knowledge? i mean didn't prepared for entrance exams.
It depends upon type of engineering exam .
1.College level:- if any college is organizing the exam than its possible.
2.University level:-
1.Very Reputed University(Jadavpur University, Anna University) having very good placements:- Than it can't be possible . You have to be prepare for it. But it's also depends on your caste . If you are fr from OBC, SC, ST caste than you need less hardwork and cutoff.But if u are from general category than you need more hard work and good cutoff to get there.
2. Not very reputed University (LPU):- You can clear with basic knowledge of science .
But most of the universities selected student's on based of jee main exam. So if you want top colleges like IIT/NITS/IIITs you need to work very hard and need very good rank .
To get into IIT you need to do work very hard.Its one of the most toughest exam of India. Its also depends on your caste if you are from general category than you need very good score to get there . If you are from SC/ST/OBC than you can get IIT at low scores but low does not mean stay you can clear with basic knowledge. You have to get coaching . Without coaching you can't solve even one question of IIT advance exam.
BITS:- if you want to clear Bitsat exam you need to work very hard and there is no caste based reservation in also need coaching for it.
NIT:- YOU need to work very hard if you from general category and also need coaching whether you are from general/SC/ST/OBC. Because this exam is also toughest exam and you need to work hard depends on your category.
So its depends on the college reputation, level of engineering level exam, Caste.
Also major private engineering colleges entrance exams do not have their level of toughness very high. So you may get into one of those. Since most of the colleges nowadays take their admission on the basis of JEE mains and board result. So you should prepare well for these.
This is the question most of the students have during their Senior Secondary level as everyone is expecting a lot from you.
You must be expecting IIT's,Nit's or any other good government and private engineering college for your higher studies...
Coming on the question ,can you clear the entrance test of engineering colleges with just basic knowledge & as mentioned you had also not prepared ???
The answer of this question is sometimes yes & sometimes No, For example you had not prepared for exams and you are expecting IIT'S that's obviously not possible , but also on other hand you can easily clear engineering exams like Comedk,State entrance exams with your basic 12th knowledge ,but for clearing Jee Mains & Advance you should be prepared properly...
Hope you got your answer,Have a bright future Ahead!!!