hello ...i have done my BTECH in bioinformatics.i wanna do my masters (other then bioinformatics) or any management coures .plz guide me.
Hello Lalithya,
Doing a masters in bioinformatics (if in India) is a good option. When you are specializing for masters degree don’t be hindered by name tags of M.sc vs M.tech. If you intend to do research in future it is a great field and provided you generate some great work in thesis accompanied by solid letter of recommendations than you can get into top institutes in India and abroad...
On the other hand if you want to go for a job it still helps because a number of bioinformatics company are coming up in India. Though the pay-scale may/may not be as high as compared to core CS companies. However, you can learn relevant skills in parallel if you feel that you are no longer interested in staying with the field...
This option is safe and also gives opportunity to grow as well as to move on...
Just insure that you are doing your masters from a reputed university and join a good guide who is interested in your future and helps you figure out what to do after your masters. To identify such university and guides, please connect to relevant people on linked in or from alumni page of your institute...
For more information please visit this link:
Here is the link:
To know about the colleges offering M.Tech degree please visit this link:
Here is the link:
To know about bioinformatics please visit this link:
Here is the link:
Hope this helps...
Thank you and all the best...