How many correct attempts are required out of 100 questions to achive 90+ percentile in CAT.
Your score is valued with percentile not percentage which is an overall relative phenomenon varying with your performance and also on the basis of other students performance who are appearing in CAT exam.
Still for getting 90+ percentile on the basis of few last years records I would say you need to have overall score atleast 155+. Now to get this score how many questions you need to attempt that thing you yourself can better judge by knowing your accuracy rate.
As very less time is left for CAT exam so I will recommend you to along with brushing up your basics you should give up lots of online mock test and analyse solutions of each mock test which will help you in overcoming your mistakes and making up a strategy to attempt the paper which will definitely help you in improving your marks and percentile.
By attempting mock test on various online sites like hitbullseye, youth4work, etc. you will also get predictable percentile which could be more close than my predictions as all the CAT aspirants must be attempting it and predictions are on that basis only.
Plus I will highly recommend you to aim for atleast 92+ percentile. 95+ percentile along with a good profile will increase your probability very high to get calls from all IIMs including top IIMs like IIM A, B & C.
All the best for your preparations and exams!!
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