How many correct questions and marks make for 95 percentile in cat?
Hello Shivangi,
CAT comprises of 3 sections-
1. Verbal
3. Quant
There is no such accurate marks thing at which you can guarantee 95%ile. CAT is not a predictable exam.
Your marks depend on the difficulty level of the exam. If CAT is difficult then you can get 95%ile at 100 marks but if it easy 95%ile would be at a much higher score.
But over the past few years, if you have the marks in the range of 125-130, you may expect to get 95%ile. It solely depends on your accuracy and no. of attempts.
So, taking a target of 129 for simplicity, you have to score 43 marks in each section, that converts to 15 correct answers in every section (considering 100% accuracy).
But as we know it is hard to manage 100% accuracy so we should have some buffer questions.
So if you attempt 19 questions in each section, with 85% accuracy that converts to approx 16 questions correct and 3 wrong
for 16 correct, you get 48 marks and for 3 wrong you get -3
Hence total (48-3)=45 marks in each section i.e. 45*3=135marks overall.
So try to maintain accuracy between 80-85% with 20-23 attempts per section for a good percentile. Do not limit yourself at particular no. of questions. If you have time you can always go a step ahead.
Best of Luck!!
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