Hi Ashwani,
IAS prep requires a lot of time and dedication. Go for it only if you have made it your set goal. In the beginning, you should acquaint yourself with the syllabus, paper pattern and start collecting material. You should read up newspapers as well as keep up with current affairs. As a science student, you can either opt for pure science subjects in Mains because IAS is all about competition and there you have to find your edge. As you are a science student you will have an edge however you can even go otherwise and opt for scoring subjects like public Administration, Pol.Sc to name a few. It all depends on your command over the subject.
To clear prelims, you need a thorough knowledge of almost all liberal arts and gk subjects. Start with NCERT and move on to guidebooks. Smart study and note making is the key to success. Revise and increase writing skills.you should be able to devote adequate hours to your test prep.
Also, you can even enroll for popular IAS coaching centres which offer one year or 6 month courses. They provide you with test material and mock exams.
Hope this helps!
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