how we can start preparation of gate exam???
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GATE 2025: Syllabus | Sample Papers
GATE is not an exam where you have to mug up every possible thing. It is a technical exam, having knowledge of few tricks and tips to solve the questions easily and also saving time is necessary. Joining a coaching center is not the only option available to crack the exam,Go through syllabus and exam pattern before start preparing for the exam.Knowing the syllabus will also help in determining the weightage of each topic for the preparation of GATE.
There is no single book that is sufficient for the studies. However, 2 or 3 books are sufficient, depending on the subject so go for it.A full daily plan of the scheduled studying hoursmust be made to know how much to cover daily.
Solve practice papers and previous years’ question papers ,GATE Practice Papers will help you identify the important topics and their weightage for that particular paper.
Avoid distractions,there are some common distractions such as relationships, family problems, mobile games and social media websites that aspirants face while preparing for the exams.Hydrate yourself to stay healthy and fresh.
Make the revision catchy. The revision process is a must otherwise preparation is just incomplete without revising the topics.
The weaker sections must be focused by in a measured way. When preparing, a specific time must be given to the weaker sections.
Give a proper time management to this and work hard so it gets easy for you to achieve your target.
All the best
Understand the previous year questions pattern
Practice previous year questions during preparation
Try to understand the concepts, practice tests and revise regularly.
Most of the questions in GATE are conceptual & numerical, so you must try to improve your solving ability & time management to score a good rank.
Create the preparation plan daily wise or weekly wise by giving enough time for each subject.
Your plan should includesyllabus completion, revision, and practice tests.
It is a good idea to make a timetable and formulate your daily tasks. Once you have set daily, weekly and monthly targets, you will see better results for the same amount of effort.
It is not just sufficient enough to prepare revision notes, but also to revisethem regularly.
You can practice the mock tests in two ways. One is self-practice on a daily basis, and the other is attempting online mock tests.
Practice the mock tests to improve performance.Performance depends on how much time devoted to answering each question and how many questions are answered correctly.
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