I am doing a non technical job after my BTech in Electronics and communication. Cab I get a master's college in Europe? GPA 7.5
Hi Shantanu,
there are several prerequisites that are taken into account not only the cgpa,
please be aware of that,
Yes you can go ahead for it, you need to know that you have to pass all their eligibility requirements such as giving the english eligibility exam IELTS and TOEFL, also you have to know that cost of living is pretty high for students in Europe as compared to other study destinations across the globe,
there is a page which will guide you well regarding studying abroad, you need to locate the college which you want to study in and preparation usually starts one year in advance as their acceptance and semester dates are different than ours,
If you need any other information, you can ask me
I will be happy to assist you
This was just an overview
All the best to you