Let me know about BIO MEDICAL ENGINEERING and colleges
Bio Medical Engineering is the field of engineering releared with the collaboration of both the field i.e Bio & Medical . It includes the tissue engineering, Molecular level biology , Genetic Engineering etc . It has a wider scope in the Medical as well in the Science related area's. Since this is a branch related with the engineering. It will be there in almost every Colleges including private & Government Institutions. Based upon your respective marka in the entrance exam like JEE or their seperate exam you can be a ke to take this department in the respective College.
All the best
Hi Kandacharam , Biomedical engineering is the combination of engineering design concepts with medical science. They are trying to make medical equipments for better health care using engineering concepts. As Biomedical engineering is growing field in India, Scope for this field is less as compare to other field of engineering. But its scope is increasing. Below are some colleges in India that offer Biomedical engineering
AIIMS , Delhi
IIT bombay, Mumbai
IIT Delhi , Delhi
NSEC, kolkata
SRM University
VRM university
Central university of Karnataka
I hope it will help.
To know about the list of biomedical engineering college in India just go through the link given below..
Hope you get it.