Mbbs after ias guide me
Yes you can pursue ias after mbbs.
You just need a graduation degree.
Any degree or graduation/post-graduation in any subject is alright. For higher education, one should always pursue the subject which one finds interesting and is comfortable with. Academic career and interest should not be compromised for an uncertain and highly competitive career in civil service.
If you find physics or chemistry really exciting, please go for that. I always feel a good science student has greater flair and ability to write precise answers in a logical and objective manner.
Books for ias
Culture: Read any one book but many times, even though different types of Qs are asked each year. Take 11th NCERT or Nitin Singhania.Indian history: Bipin chandra (OLD NCERT)Post-Independence: Bipin Chandra (Fat book) - Read selectively.World History: MrunalSociety: NCERTsGeography: Mrunal
GS-II: (Practice answer writing)
Constitution and Polity: Laxmikanth and newspapers(The Hindu)Governance: Newspapers(The Hindu) and VisionSocial justice: Newspapers(The Hindu)IR: Newspapers(The Hindu)
GS-III: (Practice answer writing)
Economy: Newspapers(The Hindu), Economic Survey, Budget, MrunalS&T: Newspapers(The Hindu)Environment: Newspapers(The Hindu)Disaster management: 2nd ARCSecurity: Vision
No need of a book but for the first time refer Lexicon or Subba Rao bookMichael Sandel videosPractice writing case studies with a structure
Cheers !!
Well if you have got into IAS then why would want to do MBBS. Yet it's your personal choice. To enter into MBBS you need to give am entrance exam NEET, aims or JIPMER. According to your rank you get a seat.
But if your question is vice versa as to how to get into IAS afterbbs then you need to give the government exams. But any normal 3 year degree would be sufficient to make you eligible to write MBBS, why waste 6 years on MBBS and then think about IAS.
Decide wisely, time is precious.
Hope this helps.
Thats a path many people pursue, but in my personal opinion, I'd advise you against it.
Why? Because the seats in Medical science institutions are few as it is. And if your end goal is to become a civil servant anyways, why waste a seat?
You'd be better off doing graduation course of 3 years and preparing for CSE on the side.
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