My friend is having a doubt.His aim is to become an IAS. But,his parents are forcing him to do engineer.So, he also agreed.And he told me that he wish to learn for IAS exam also doing BE CSE.He is confused that whether he could learn for both BE and IAS exam.What he will do now?Any tips to learn?...
In order to appear for UPSC, you just need to be 21 years old and passed graduation in any discipline from a recognized university,you can apply even in your final year. UPSC doesn't discriminate among aspirants and hence allow people from all background to appear for this exam. If you see previous year trends people from different backgrounds have succeeded such as arts,engineering, medical etc and continue to do so, even if you pursue graduation in computer science engineering, that in no way will hamper your prospect for UPSC because eventually it's the preparation and planning that matters and make an aspirant successful.
UPSC takes two years,one year for preparation and another one for appearing in the three stages of exams namely prelims, mains and Interview, so PERSEVERANCE is the key to success in this exam,you've to make targets on a daily,weekly and monthly basis.In this case, the sooner you start,the better it's. You can start your preparation in gradual manner by being acquainted with UPSC syllabus and having integrated approach for prelims as well as mains, and newspaper reading on a daily basis. Both of above mentioned steps will make your foundation strong for UPSC preparation. Later on,start with NCERT books and move to other standard books, keep the resources minimum always, start practicing answer writing in advance as writing for mains will be a humongous task, solve previous year papers and do mock tests and test series to evaluate your performance.
Vijay, the beauty of studying to become an IAS officer is that you have to appear for UPSC exam. For being eligible for UPSC, you can hold a Bachelor's degree in any stream or discipline. So your friend can appear for UPSC exam even after studying BS. If he can clear the prelims, based on his CSE subjects, he can choose his optional subjects accordingly. So even if your friend studies BE, he still can appear for UPSC. He needs to prepare well for Prelims and there are no 2 ways about it. He should know the syllabus and prepare accordingly.
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