What shall I do after 12th? I am a science student...... What subject should be taken after 12th to become an IAS officer?
You can choose any subject or course of your choice based on your interest for your graduation after your 12th
This is because,
to be eligible for UPSC examination there is no compulsion to be a graduate in a particular subject, all you need to be eligible is that you should be a graduate in any discipline
So you can choose any stream of your interest, but yes if you choose BA or Arts
choosing Arts or the humanities can be really helpful for your UPSC examination, this is because in Arts you will be learning subjects like history , polity etc which are a part of the UPSC syllabus so it will help you in your upsc examination
For reference, UPSC eligibility criteria is provided below:-
*You must have a bachelor's degree in any, discipline from a recognised university.
*Minimum age limit :- you need to be at least 21 years old to be eligible as on 1st of August of the year of filling the form i. e as on 1st August 2021 for UPSC 2021.
*Maximum age limit :- 32 years , also there's 3 year relaxation on upper age limit for obc and of 5 years for sc/st category.
For detailed information related to UPSC eligibility criteria , you can visit our page at
To help you further here's a brief of your UPSC exam
UPSC civil services examination has 3 stages listed below :-
*prelims exam :- it is objective paper and is of qualifying nature , so you just need to at least qualify it to be eligible for mains examination, the score /marks obtained by you in your prelims examination is not added up or used in your final merit. Your prelims exam consist of 2 papers: -
-) general studies 1
-) general studies II ( csat )
You get 2 hours for each paper
*Mains exam. :- it is descriptive /written examination . There are a total of 9 papers which are listed below:-
-) compulsory indian language.
-) english
-) essay
-) general studies I
-) general studies II
-) general studies III
-) general studies IV
-) optional I
-) optional II
The compulsory indian language and english are qualifying in nature . You just need to qualify them. The marks obtained by you in these two papers will not be counted towards merit list.
*Interview :- After qualifying mains, you have to go through interview round, and it is more of test of your personality rather than knowledge.
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