NEET College Predictor
ApplyKnow possible Govt/Private MBBS/BDS Colleges based on your NEET rank
The average course fee for the Bachelor of Ayurveda Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) course is 25,000 to 3.2 lakhs per annum .
Fees for the course is different in different colleges. Government College offer the course at much lower fees than what private colleges demand.
One can't provide exact and precise fees for course for different categories. Though some institutions charge less fees for the course for SC category students compared to Unreserved Students.
For more information about the colleges you would be expecting for your calculated neet score you can click on the following link -
Also you can predict your NEET rank from the link given below -
Thank you.
Rjvs bhaisaheb sawant ayurved mahavidyalay is located in a great place surrounded by mountains having beautiful natural scenes. Our college has OPD,IPD,Panchkarma department and is next to the subdistrict hospital providing great opportunities.
Know possible Govt/Private MBBS/BDS Colleges based on your NEET rank
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