i am 21 ended wasting years have done Bcom local college no further goals i have bulk of burden of family financial security. I am doing low part time job,Have fear of English Sbispecially and also weak student who has done nothing in life just wasted it never knew the importance of security. zero
Dear Akshay,
I assume you are in quite a difficult phase in your life. I would suggest you to take a hard look at the decisions you have taken in your life. What's done is done, we can not undo it. What we have is NOW. Utilise your time wisely, cut down on your bad habits. Work on your mindset & clearly define your goals. What is it that you want from your life? What is it that you want to do? You need to understand the decisions that you have taken till now & why you took them. You need to know yourself in a better way.
Every human is bound to have problems in his/her life. But what we do about those problems is what defines us. There is a fighter inside you, search that fighter & fight the problems that you are facing everyday.
You are stronger than you realise.
Thanks. Hope this helps.