When it comes to infrastructure I think the collage have good enough infrastructure and enough class rooms and laboraties even though it have enough laboraties there will be mo equipment for doing experiments
I am studyig diploma in comuter science I would say qualitybof education is not that much of better the curriculum that the staff teached to us is 3 years back one and sometimes there will be no staff to some subjects and the students have to learn the subject from the online
I did not any placement or tarinings or internships I did not even see the placements so I cant say the average salary The students have to search their jobs or internships by their own so it becomes the student of that age to search and qualify to the jobs
I spend 30k for acadamic year And i say its value for because other collages have more fee compared to my collage
Collage is situated beside the National Highway and students should take care while crossing the road and yes I have seen very friendly staff When it comes to handling emergencies it 3kms far from the city where all the emergency services are privided so I would say can The Collage handle emergency situations
I would say choose the collage according to your passion and requriments If you cant spend more fee then You can choose this collage You can get Govt schemes too