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Ramgovind Polytechnic Institute, Koderma Facilities

MET’s Institute of Management offers a range of facilities to students and staff. METIM Nashik provides a comprehensive library, a high-tech computer lab, and a clean cafeteria that serves healthy meals. The METIM Nashik facilities also include a spacious auditorium that hosts various events, while the transportation service ensures an easy commute for students and faculty. 

A medical centre is available for emergencies. The classrooms are equipped with modern teaching aids to enhance learning. The MET's Institute of Management Nashik facilities include sports and also promote sports activities among students.

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MET's Institute of Management, Nashik Admissions

  • Boys Hostel

    The college has a boys’ hostel facility. All the Hostels are equipped with excellent mess facilities which provide homely food & atmosphere. There is a prescribed uniform for the theory class and lab class.

  • Girls Hostel

    The college has a girls' hostel facility. All the Hostels are equipped with excellent mess facilities which provide homely food & atmosphere. The hostel facility is compulsory for ladies. There is a prescribed uniform for the theory class and lab class.

  • Medical/Hospital

    The college has a medical facility. To ensure prompt, adequate care and medication of students, a health center on the campus is being established with the assistance of competent physicians, under the care of Dr. K.P. Yadav & Major Dr. Mukul. In order to keep the students and the staff members in tune with the ancient, though recently revived, the science of yoga and meditation, regular familiarization with these techniques will form a part of the daily routine.

  • Library

    The college library comprises the latest reference books and textbooks numbering more than 11,000 books. It has got four sections. The reference section, the Stock section with reading room facilities, the Educational Resource section, and the book bank section.

  • Sports

    The college has philosophical cornerstones here are "Healthy Mind in Healthy Body" and the multi-dimensional development of the young students. A full-size Cricket ground is being prepared on the campus. Facilities for other outdoor and indoor games like Volleyball, Football, Cricket, Basketball, Badminton, Table Tennis, etc. are there. Swimming will get a place of pride in the Institute.

  • I.T Infrastructure

    The college computer center is equipped with 140 numbers of state of art Intel AMD/Intel Dual-Core machines, and HP Server (Quad-Core, 2 Terabytes) The Computers are equipped with a Local Area Network (LAN) and administered by a server. Licensed Software comprising of operating system software (Microsoft Windows XP/Win7) and application software (Microsoft Office 2007, Lotus Smart Suite) along with educational software such as C, C++, Unix, Fortran, Linux, 4m IntelliCAD, Xilinx ISE, Edwin XP, Math CAD, BOSS Linux are available for the students to sharpen their skills. Internet connection is through V-SAT, BSNL WiMAX, WiFi connection having 256 MBPS dedicated 24 hours connection is available for educational use by students & staff. The whole campus is on Intranet (LAN).

  • Laboratories

    The college has a Laboratories Facility. Well-equipped laboratories with state-of-the-art equipment and Pentium IV Computers. There are Electronics Laboratories and Mechanical Laboratories. Computer Laboratories etc.

  • Guest Room/Waiting Room

    The college has guest house/waiting room facilities for visiting faculty and student family members.

  • Cafeteria

    The college has a canteen facility for staff and students.

Have a question related to Ramgovind Polytechnic Institute, Koderma ?

Hey chetan
The admission process of RAMGOVIND POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE KODERMA will happen through councelling before you take admission you must be apply jharkhand polytechnic exam which is conducted by Jharkhand combined entrance Competative examination board (JCECEB) government of jharkhand
The events date of exam are given below please read carefully and if you are interested to take admission please apply jharkhand polytechnic exam the official link is
Copy the link and paste it on Google

EventsDates 2020 (Announced)

Starting of Registration process:- 8th June, 2020

Application submission last date:-20th Aug ,2020

Availability of Admit card :- my be 4 days before the exam
Jharkhand Polytechnic 2020 Exam :-Aug 2020

Announcement of Results my be:- Sep, 2020
Starting of Counselling process:- Sep ,2020

*After your results will publish according to your marks and caste the ranking will be calculated.
The counselling will happen round basis
According your rank JCECEB will notify you by sms or newspaper.

*If you take admission through caste basis rank (ST/SC/OBC) than caste certificates is mandatory which is issued by sub-division officers.

*Also for female different rank for it.
*If someone PWD than handicapped certificate are required.

Any further any information please contact us and post your questions on our website I am happy to help you.

Hope that's helpful

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