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Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology, Ranchi (XIPT Ranchi)
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Popular Comparisons With XIPT Ranchi

XIPT Ranchi - Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology, Ranchi
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XIPT Ranchi - Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology, Ranchi
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XIPT Ranchi - Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology, Ranchi
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XIPT Ranchi - Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology, Ranchi
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Student Reviews for XIPT Ranchi
4.4/5(1 Reviews)
My Overall experience in my college is great.
Verified ReviewPosted on 17 Jul'24 by Anonymous
Batch of 2021-01-01 | Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
This user chose to post anonymously
Batch of 2021-01-01 | Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
College Infrastructure
The infrastructure of college is so good and the building is huge and attractive. It has a beautiful greenery environment. Have great space for parking both two wheeler and four wheeler. Workshop is well equipped that focuses especially on techniques and skills in a particular field. Workshops are important for knowledge sharing, skill development and innovations. The living spaces are clean and the mess food is so hygienic.
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It's already available borther On please visit that site an You will get all the details
Sharad3 Jan'20
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