The College has library has a rich collection of around 4300 titles and 6400 volumes pertaining to the needs of the users. Magazine & journals are being subscribed, apart from five newspapers (English & Tamil). The library reading hall on the ground floor has the capacity to accommodate around 50 users. The E-learning section on the ground floor caters to the digital needs of the users with respect to academic content requirements. NPTEL web video courses and NITTTR developed E-learning CD’S are some of the resources available for students and staff. All facilities are available in the library for the optimum use of resources by the users. Air-conditioned library. E-Learning section with a multimedia projector and screen are available. All activities of the library are computerized using ‘MODERNLIB’, a library management software.CCTV installed in the library. All books barcoded.8 computer systems, 2 printers, and one 40” T.V are available. The reprographic facility has been provided to facilitate the taking of photocopies.
The College has sports facilities for all students.
The College has an excellent IT Infrastructure facility for the students. E-Learning section with a multimedia projector and screen are available.8 computer systems, 2 printers and one 40” T.V are available. Computer Installation and Servicing labs multimedia lab programming lab
The College has departmental-based laboratories facility for the students. Computer Engineering Department Computer Installation and Servicing labs multimedia lab programming lab Microprocessor lab information Technology Department Programming lab programming lab IIMechatronics Department CAD/CAM lab EDC lab hp lab PCI lab electrical lab first Year Physics lab chemistry lab Workshop English Communication lab
The College has a health center with a first aid facility for the students.
The College has a canteen facility for staff and students.
The College has a well-equipped Gym facility for the students.
The College has Classroom Facilities available for Students.