Many people don't know about the college because of less marketing. ROI of this college is very good. Faculties are highly experienced. The college infrastructure is very good. The campus is huge and scenic, it is located in the heart of the city.
Faculties are highly experienced. One can get good industry exposure by working in so many projects . The professors are highly skilled and friendly. Majority of the students passes with good marks and established in good positions of the company.
Due to good reputation of the college many famous and known companies come for recruitment . So majority of students get good Placement . There's a great recruitment board of the college so it's really good and efficient. So Placement of the college can described as very good.
it is slowly improving with more of the alumni rising into prominence in the corporate world.
The worst thing about our college is infrastructure. They dont even have the clasrooms clean. There are holes in the walls between two classrooms . There is no proper playground. Even there is no canteen.
The quality of teaching is poor... They won't even complete the syllabus we have to do it on our own. They don't care about that . They just say the exam date and we the syllabus has to be done by us by any means..
The placement quality is good.. Our college ranks 2nd in terms of placement. If you want a quality placement after completing diploma then you should definitely try to get a chance in our college or in APC roy college
The fees are very low
The campus is situated in a calm and cool area...but the infrastructure is poor
If you want a quality placement after diploma then you should definitely try getting a chance here... But if you wanna enjoy actual college life , have fun , enjoy the infrastructure , then this college is not for you.