68 Courses and Certifications

Online Agriculture Nutrition And Food Courses & Certifications

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Post Graduate Programme in Agriculture Policy

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Post Graduate Programme in Agriculture Policy

The duration of the Post Graduate Certificate in Agriculture Policy (PGCAPOL) is at least 6 months and a maximum of 2 years. The course offers students an understanding of developing human resources and agriculture policy frameworks. The eligibility criteria for joining the course is that the students must graduate in any subject. 

The certification course covers various aspects of policy formulation. The Post Graduate Certificate in Agriculture Policy (PGCAPOL) is designed for the persons and organisations involved in policy-making and implementation at the state, regional and central levels in agriculture and rural development. Students will learn to identify the strategic issues related to national policies in agriculture.

Also Read: Online Agricultural Science Courses & Certifications

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24 Months
Vocational Mushroom Production

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NIOS via Swayam

Vocational : Mushroom Production

The Mushroom Production Training course is a 10 credit course that deals with the different components of mushroom cultivation and production in a detailed manner. The course introduces learners to various management practices necessary for the profitable cultivation of mushrooms on a large-scale basis. It is suitable for those who are planning to expand their farming system on a commercial scale.

The Mushroom Production Certification Course offered by Swayam introduces learners to the nuances of mushroom cultivation and its tremendous scope in the global food market. The course constitutes both theoretical and practical components that include the production of different types of mushrooms, pest management practices, waste disposal, health, and safety at the workplace.

The Mushroom Production Online Courses are suitable for learners from all walks of life. The course is taught with the help of expert video lectures and e-content. The use of PDF texts and PPT content helps learners grasp the concepts quickly and efficiently. The training is encouraged with the help of frequent MCQ tests and discussion forums that assist the learners.

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24 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Entrepreneurial skills Knowledge of Agricultural practices
Technology of Fermented Cheese Ice-cream and By-products

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Technology of Fermented Cheese Ice-cream and By-products

The course is about the technology used in preparing the fermented cheese ice-cream and its by-products so that these attract the customers with interest. The course makes the candidates know the current trends in this type of technology so that producers can make them with ease. The course also enlights the candidates about the development lifecycle of the process so the candidates can learn with applicative skills

With the changes in technology from past to current day, technology is used for every task of human need. Technology is becoming advanced from stage to stage so that it is becoming familiar with cooking as well. Fermentation makes the product tastier and free from bacteria so that there are no side effects to the user. Besides users will experience tastier and prefer those type of products  by proper preparation and usage of technology

The course is offered by Swayam and the course is conducted by the government to give the users the best quality of education in the online mode.

The course is explained by high professionals and experts who are familiar with respective courses. The certificate will be very helpful to the candidate  to get hired in the company

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16 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of Microbiology
Nutrition Certification

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Nutrition Certification Course

The Nutrition online program is certified by the AP State University and falls under the ‘Continuing Education’ category of online courses on Upskillist. Candidates who register for this professional course will be studying a globally recognized curriculum spread over 16 weeks. 

The Nutrition certification syllabus is divided into four modules, and each of them comprises lessons and assessments. The online training includes 32 lessons plus assignments. The continuous assessment policy ensures that you have a consistent understanding of the course contents. 

From learning how the human body works and attaining practical knowledge of diet modification, the Nutrition course by Upskillist will make sure candidates understand the role of food and nutrients in health. Besides, these online classes can be viewed and downloaded at their convenience. There will also be learning support from educators through live chats.

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16 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of nutrition
You and Your Food

Offered by


CFN-1 You and Your Food

16 Weeks
Agricultural Policy Formulation Components Process Implementation and Comparative Analysis

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MNR-002 : Agricultural Policy: Formulation Components Process Implementation and Comparative Analysis

SWAYAM, as a free online training initiative, aims at providing freely accessible and quality education to all. In furtherance of this aim, Agricultural Policy: Formulation Components Process Implementation and Comparative Analysis MNR-002 have been designed for imparting the best training from expert faculty. This course provides postgraduate level education on the importance, concept, goals, components and instruments of agricultural policy. 

During the course, candidates will find themselves gaining vivid insights on the major steps and process in policy formulation and policy implementation. Active discussions on monitoring and evaluation will also be conducted. Learners will understand the need for inter-linkage between non-farm and farm sector for agricultural and rural development; growth of farm output and input, and the role of the farming sector in the national economy and food security-all through active discussions. 

Faculty will shed light on special agricultural development programmes and rural poverty alleviation programmes that have been implemented in India. By highlighting the role of resources like labour, land and capital in agricultural development and then proceeding on to critically examining the agriculture policy of the developed and developing countries, the course concludes with a comprehensive depiction of the concept of agriculture trade issues and globalisation.

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15 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of Agricultural practices
Indian Agricultural Development

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MNR 001 : Indian Agricultural Development

The Indian Agricultural Development (MNR 001) programme explains the different stages of the development of Indian agriculture, from prehistoric agriculture to modern agriculture. The programme identifies the customs, values, and farming practices that Indian farmers follow. The programme clarifies the scope and importance of Indian agriculture to the Indian economy. 

The Indian Agricultural Development (MNR 001) programme discusses the role of the procurement, storage, marketing, study, and technological transfer of food grains in the growth of Indian agriculture. Candidates will consider emerging agricultural issues and developments, such as diversification, the interface of the agricultural sector, trade, efficiency, gender and sustainability, globalisation, and the use of information and communication technologies. 

The content of the Indian Agricultural Development (MNR 001) programme is delivered in 16 weeks through 40 video lessons. Candidates will have to go through video lessons every week. The video lessons are assisted by resources used for self-learning. Along with that, to support the study materials and to get the updated data, a number of web links will be provided. After each class, self-assessment questions will be given. After going through broad parts of study content, candidates have to complete the tasks. 

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15 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of Agricultural practices

Plant Groups

SWAYAM’s CC-Botany 1 or  Plant Groups is a programme on basic plant diversity and it consists of forty modules. The programme provides a comprehensive account of various classes of plants including; bacteria, viruses, fungi, algae and mycorrhizae, archegoniate in the form of gymnosperms, including pteridophytes, bryophytes and even spermatophytes.

 Each community discusses in-depth their ecological significance, classification, phylogeny, some significant forms of genera, and also their economic significance. The participants should be in a situation to take a detailed understanding of the major plant classes ranging from microbes to gymnosperms. These both form the basis of plant science which can be mastered by completing the forty modules. 

This Plant Groups programme is designed for those who are students of biology. This programme will be refreshing as well as giving new knowledge to them. The certification will be useful and it will have a good position in the CV. For the higher studies, candidates from any branch of biological sciences would find the curriculum of the Plant Groups programme important and useful. 

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15 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of Biology

Food Microbiology and Food Safety

The Food Microbiology programme explores the world of microorganisms and the science behind contamination caused by their growth. Considering the possibility of microorganisms being both beneficial and harmful, it becomes important to study the key aspect of Microbiology side by side-Food Safety. The programme is beneficial for individuals who wish to delve deep into the domain.

The course focuses on varied learning objectives including the important genera of microorganisms associated with food and their characteristics, the role of microorganisms in food spoilage, techniques for enumeration and control of microorganisms in food, food fermentation, and ultimately foodborne diseases. The motive of the programme turns out to provoke the thoughts of learners on microbiological quality control to improve food quality in households and outdoors by devising ways for the same.

The course also maintains a close connection with legal obligations and provisions which are an inseparable part of public policy and food safety. Candidates will acquire insights on the present national and international food safety regulations and rules. Not only this, but they would also gain practical experience of deploying microbiological risk assessment tools for assessment of microbiological risks in the food sector.

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15 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of Microbiology
Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals

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Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals

Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals Certification by SWAYAM aims at enlightening passionate and dedicated learners irrespective of their financial disabilities to gain quality and freely accessible education by experienced faculty. This online course deals with everything budding nutritionists and dieticians need to know about promoting bioactive constituents and nutritional factors along with the potential health implications of the same.

By holding vigilant discussions on the mechanism of functional foods, the course serves as the right fit for both conceptual and real-world insights on the field. The certification is a part of the approved curriculum in quite a few Indian universities. After going through the course, individuals will not only learn about the background of Nutraceuticals but will also discover relevant information on future trends and applications.

Comprising five units namely Probiotics, Introduction to Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals, Prebiotics, Non-Nutrient Effect of Specific Nutrients and Other Food Components with Potential Health Benefits, candidates will have to visit 40 modules with two to three modules taught every week. The credit award and final evaluation of the student shall depend on formative and summative assessments.

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15 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of nutrition

Food Fermentation: The Science of Cooking with Microbes

The Food Fermentation: The Science of Cooking with Microbes Course discusses the biochemical process of fermentation and the characteristics of fermented foods. The open online course is taught on the HarvardX platform under the collaboration of edX and Harvard University and is taught over a duration of 14 weeks.

The Food Fermentation: The Science of Cooking with Microbes Certification Course explains the role of microbial growth in fermenting and preserving food. The learners will get a chance to explore the history of food and beverage fermentation and its role in food processing like changing and enhancing different tastes, flavors and aromas in food.

The Food Fermentation: The Science of Cooking with Microbes Training Course is a self-paced course that is taught at the introductory level. The course is delivered by Pia Sorensen and Roberto Kolter of Harvard Medical School. The course will be taught with the help of online course materials and at-home exercises. After the completion of exams, students will receive a course certificate by paying the course fee. For the free cost, the candidates will get a limited duration of access to the self-paced programme. 

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14 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of Biology Knowledge of Microbiology
Fundamentals of Food Process Engineering

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Fundamentals of Food Process Engineering

The course is about food process engineering and its process of preservation, saltation, and other processes to save food from bacteria. The course also makes the students learn how the food is processed and manufactured. It involves a particular means of technology to make the process complete in a proper manner. Therefore, students will also gain industrial applications that can be helpful in the workplace

Food process engineering is helpful to the candidate for using technology in terms of manufacturing foodies and their preservatives. As everyone needs food to survive there is a need to know the processing of food and the manufacturing process. The processing of food technology is laterally known to the candidate in the academy itself. Therefore, the candidate is gaining practical skills with learning the course

The course is introduced by Swayam academy, an online certified learning course initiated by the government to make a favour for the poor candidates who cannot afford to study in the institutes. The course certificate is equivalent to the institute certificate. The course is offered to learn for free of cost without the certificate. The certificate helps the candidate to increase their value during the hiring process

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12 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of engineering
Farm Machinery

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Farm Machinery

Candidates can find the Farm Machinery course on the Swayam website. Swayam was envisioned by the Indian Ministry of Human Resource Development of the government of India to make access to education possible for all economic strata of society. 

Swayam does not charge any course fee and the courses are created by researchers and scholars from India’s topmost institutes. But candidates who would like to get a certificate from Swayam need to pay an exam fee to be eligible for the end-term proctored exam, which is a compulsory requirement for getting Swayam certified.

The Farm Machinery course by Swayam is designed for people involved with agricultural engineering. They learn about the components and structure of basic modern horticultural equipment along with the basic principles of modern technology like sensors, embedded systems, image processing, and microcontrollers. 

The course contents consist of basic principles and the correct utilization of modern techniques. Custom hiring, use of machines, and small farm mechanization techniques are also discussed in detail with real-life examples.

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12 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of engineering
Food Microbiology

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Food Microbiology

Food Microbiology Certification is meant for the undergraduate level. It is an elective course and it is offered online. It is suitable for the category of Agricultural and Food Engineering. Dr. Niranjan Raj. S (Department of Studies in Microbiology, Karnataka State Open University, Mukthagangotri) is the instructor for the Food Microbiology Certification course on the NPTEL website. 

Dr. Niranjan Raj. S has 18 years of teaching at the postgraduate level and research experience. Food microbiology deals with the study of the micro-organisms that occupy and contaminate food. Microbes are used for the production of food ingredients, foods, food supplements, etc. 

Micro-organisms are also extensively used in the fermentative production, processing, and preservation of different types of beverages and foods. Studying microbes in food and the effects of microbial contamination is important to ensure safety in food processing, food production, food storage, and food preservation. This course gives an insight into the science behind such microbes and their effect on food.

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12 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of Microbiology

Food Preservation Technology Course

Candidates can use the Swayam website to study the Food Preservation Technology course. Swayam is an online platform created by the Indian government to increase equity in access to education. This is a multi-disciplinary course that aims to impart knowledge to candidates who are interested in food technology, biochemistry, microbiology, and chemistry. It is an industry-oriented course that gives candidates the advanced knowledge they need to thrive in commercial enterprises.

Swayam doesn’t ask for any payment for the course material which is provided by some of India’s best minds. But there is an exam fee for the final exam held after finishing the course. Candidates need to sit for this exam if they want to get a certificate from the course. Course instructor Dr. Girish K., Assistant Professor in the PG Dept. of Microbiology, Maharani’s Science College for Women, University of Mysore.

Candidates who complete the Food Preservation Technology course from Swayam can hope to find employment in the Food Industry (ready to eat packaged products, bread, biscuits, jams, chocolates), in the Dairy Industry (milk and all milk products like cheese, flavoured milk), in the Pharmaceutical Sector (professionals working in Nutraceuticals benefit from the knowledge of food preservation technology). 

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12 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of Microbiology
Food and Nutrition

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Food and Nutrition

Food and Nutrition Certification is a course at the undergraduate level. It is an elective course. The course is offered online, and it pertains to the category of Agricultural and Food Engineering. Dr. Asna Urooj is the instructor for the Food and Nutrition Certification course on the NPTEL website. Dr. Asna Urooj is presently the Chairperson of the University of Mysore PG Department of Studies in Food Science and Nutrition. 

The Food and Nutrition course not only deals with the processing and preservation of food but also the importance of consumption of a balanced diet by an individual. Nutrition plays a vital role in improving the quality of life by an increase in physical growth and immune – competence.  The productivity of an individual is enhanced with good health. 

Economic, social, and cultural factors also influence the food consumption pattern, hence the nutrition level of a person. Thus, Nutritional Science includes biological and social sciences. Further, changes in the nutrient composition while food is processed and stored also need to be studied. Thus, this course offering is framed in such a way, so that it supplies perspectives from both biological and social science angles, in conjunction with each other.

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12 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of nutrition
Irrigation and Drainage

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Irrigation and Drainage

SWAYAM is a platform offering interactive courses, prepared by the finest teachers in India. It is a Government initiative which aims to avail the best teaching resources to all, including the disadvantaged.

The course of IRRIGATION and DRAINAGE created under the NPTEL (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning) for Engineering by SWAYAM focuses on enriching the learning experience of students by using interactive teaching methods.  This is one of the prime courses of the Agricultural Engineering program recommended for graduate and undergraduate students.

This course designed by remarkable teaching faculty focuses on various topics of soil- water-plant-atmosphere relationship, management of salt affected soils, crop water requirement, management of salt affected soils, irrigation water conveyance, measurement of irrigation water, drainage of agricultural lands, irrigation systems design and their performance evaluation, performance evaluation of drainage systems. It involves class tests, problem solving questions, quizzes and assignments.

An e-certificate having the logos of NPTEL and IIT Kharagpur will be made available after successful completion of this course, which will be valid in all irrigation based companies.

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12 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Civil Engineering skills

Plant Pathology and Soil Health

Phyto-pathology which is also referred to as Plant pathology course is concerned with the foundation, biology, significance, gradual deprivation and regulation of different types of plant illness. It encompasses the learning of various living organisms on the face of earth that can cause any sort of illness in plants.

Plant pathology course and Soil Health is concerned with teaching different procedures through which the agents that are originating the disorder are thoroughly known by the candidates. In accordance with the surrounding environment, this course helps the candidates understand the reasons behind these plant diseases and how the health of soil as a natural asset plays a very important role.

This well being of the soil encompasses a number of different concepts of soil tenderness, soil classifications, soil types, the physical, soil fertility, chemical, biological properties of soil and its formation on the surface of earth. This course also deals with different types of pesticide examination.

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12 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of Biology
Plant Design and Economics

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Plant Design and Economics

The Certificate Programme in Plant Design and Economics by Swayam is intended for the students of chemical engineering, environmental engineering, chemical technology and biochemical engineering. The course in detail deals with (a) basic economic analysis of chemical plants and (b) the technologies used in the design of chemical processes.

Certificate Programme in Plant Design and Economics by Swayam will cover the basic concepts in plant design and chemical engineering. Upon completion of the Certificate Programme in Plant Design and Economics by Swayam candidates will learn to appreciate the significance of safety and design operation.

After completing the course in Certificate Programme in Plant Design and Economics by Swayam he/she will develop a deep understanding of the chemical process and will be able to perform a complete economic analysis of the plant. The main target of the course is to make students aware of the safety features and importance to chemical engineering.

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12 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of engineering
Introduction to Poultry Farming

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Introduction to Poultry Farming

The Introduction to Poultry Farming Online course is coordinated by Dr. P. Vijayakumar of the Indira Gandhi National Open University. The course discusses various poultry farming techniques and systems practiced in India and provides insights into the advantages of the poultry industry.

The Introduction to Poultry Farming Training course offered by Swayam  is a major course in the field of Agricultural and Food Engineering providing learners valuable information about the working of the poultry industry. The course studies the status of the Indian poultry industry and analyses it from different perspectives.

The Introduction to Poultry Farming course taught over 12 weeks through self-learning materials and video lessons. The course provides learners both professional and technical information about the poultry business. The course carrying 2 credits is assessed through online quizzes and an end-term examination.

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12 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of Zoology
Economics of Food

Offered by


CFN-3 Economics of Food

12 Weeks

Offered by

Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen via Edx

Nutrition and Health: Macronutrients and Overnutrition

The certificate program on Nutrition and Health: Macronutrients and Overnutrition is provided by Wageningen through the edX platform. The program is designed to teach the candidates the fundamentals behind the concept of nutrition and how it impacts human health. The course explores the relationship between those two in terms of health problems caused due to overnutrition. The candidate learns about overweight, and obesity, and strategies to combat them. Nutrition and Health: Macronutrients and Overnutrition certification course is tailor-made for healthcare professionals and people employed in the food industry without any proper background in nutrition. 

The candidate will learn about nurturing a critical mindset on how to weigh and interpret information on nutrition, food, and health. Nutrition and Health: The macronutrients and Overnutrition course belongs to a series of other courses packed into a professional program known as the “Food, Nutrition, and Health Professional Certificate Programme''. The candidates need to know basic biology to pursue this course. Upon completion, the candidates will be able to be familiar with nutrition research and research methodologies. During the audit mode, the candidates will have only limited time to complete their learnings. On the other hand during the verified mode the time constraint is removed and the course is accessible for a lifetime.

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9 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of nutrition

Diseases of horticultural crops and their management

Swayam’s Diseases of horticultural crops and their management course is focused on the importance of diseases that lead to horticultural crop losses. This subject falls under plant pathology and discusses various crops such as potato, brinjal, guava, pomegranate, apple, and coffee. Diseases of these crops along with their management is studied in detail in the duration of this programme.

Diseases of horticultural crops and their management course is offered by the College of Agriculture, Central Agricultural University, Imphal. It is an 8-week programme that has been extensively designed to explain the development of crop diseases, pathogen environment relation, host-pathogen interaction and pathogen survival. 

In addition, the Diseases of horticultural crops and their management course gives the learners knowledge about various management practices of important diseases that affect different horticultural crops. There are interactions and discussions at the end of each week’s module to make the learning process enjoyable and responsive. 

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8 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of Biology

Offered by

Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen via Edx

Nutrition and Health: Food Safety

On the report of the rising amount of food adulteration, edX brings Nutrition and Health: Food Risks course for candidates who want to learn about various microorganisms such as bacteria, algae, fungi, viruses, protozoa, and so on that are present inside the food which causes health hazards and food poisoning. It teaches students to analyze and assess food risks using different tools and techniques. Candidates will also learn several key concepts about the modern food chain, food processing, risk assessment, risk management, safety measures, and so on.

EdX provides Nutrition and Health: Food Risks online course in association with Wageningen University and Research which is best known for its intensive research. The instructors are well-versed in the subject and help the candidates in acquiring in-demand skills and deep knowledge. This is a self-paced course where the course curriculum is professionally designed by the experts and is spread over 8 weeks. Due to the Nutrition and Health: Food Risks program, candidates will get a chance to explore food and improve their quality of life. The candidates will be able to choose either the audit track or the verified track for learning the course. The audit track of the course offers limited period access whereas the verified track offers unlimited access to the course materials.

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8 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of nutrition
Nutrition Science

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Nutrition Science

A Health or wellness professional must have a solid grasp of the science driving nutrition for providing patients and clients with educated counsel regarding lifespan, comprehensive and vitality illness management. The Nutrition Science online course gives a solid base of knowledge in nutrition and dietetics by delving into the roles of macronutrients and micronutrients in the body.

The Milken Institute report states that, In the United States, the yearly expense of obesity-related disease, including disability, chronic disease and mortality, is $480.7 billion. The Nutrition Science Training by Stanford University teaches how macro and micronutrients connect to human health throughout various stages of human development and also teaches students how to analyze nutritional information and conduct nutritional evaluations and dietary assessments.

The Nutrition Science syllabus gives the knowledge to identify the importance of optimum nutrition in preventive services, develops the abilities to critically analyse current research, and eventually earns a completion certificate from the SCHE.

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8 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of nutrition
Sports Nutrition Certification

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Sports Nutrition Certification Course

The Sports Nutrition Certification Course enables learners to understand how athletes can optimally be fueled in Eight weeks. The online course is broadly classified into four modules and consists of a total of thirty-two lessons plus assignments. 

Further, the Sports Nutrition Certification Course program falls under the category of ‘Continuing Education’ in Shaw Academy and is also certified by the Austin Peay (AP) State University. Besides being an internally recognized course, the course offers learners consistent educator support, ensuring they enjoy a smooth learning curve.  The syllabus has been designed in a way so that learners gain a 360-degree understanding of the role of nutrients and food in a sport.

From forming a crisp and clear fundamental knowledge base of human physiology and anatomy to integrating critical thinking into evidence-based practice, the Sports Nutrition Certification Course training provides learners with a broad scope of learning. Moreover, learners can avail themselves of completely flexible online classes that can be paused and resumed based on their convenience.

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8 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of nutrition

Global Food Security: Addressing the Challenge

The Global Food Security: Addressing the Challenge Online Course is a specialized course provided on the FutureLearn platform. The course deals with the practices of food security and future concerns. It will also discuss the role of technology and innovation in promoting food security on a global scale.

The Global Food Security: Addressing the Challenge Certification Course is developed by the faculty of Lancaster University and is taught by Bill Davies. The self-guided course with a total duration of 8 weeks will allow learners to engage in peer discussions and case studies to enhance their knowledge of global food security. 

The Global Food Security: Addressing the Challenge Training Course will discuss the link between food processing, food production, and consumption with diet patterns. The course will be taught with the help of video lectures, reading materials, and practical activities. The learners can assess their progress with the help of the Progress Tracking option.

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8 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of Agricultural practices
Global Food Futures and Agri-food Systems Solutions

Offered by


Global Food Futures and Agri-food Systems Solutions

8 Weeks

Offered by

Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen via Edx

Nutrition and Health Micronutrients and Malnutrition

With an edX-provided platform for education, the certificate program Nutrition and Health: Micronutrients and Malnutrition will focus on the main topics of malnutrition and micronutrients that can impact human health. As humans despite a lot of information being made available, it is not clear on what is true and better for health and its requirements. The course may be pursued by choosing 2 tracks, one is audit, and the other is verified. The verified mode offers unlimited time to complete the learning but during the audit mode, the candidates will only be able to learn the course in a limited period of access.

This course will address the relationship between both nutrition and human health by focusing on malnutrition-related health issues. The candidates will learn more about diet and nutrition impacting both current as well as future health.  The course explores the dangers of malnutrition concerning human health and global hunger. The course will also try to address and combat these problems created by malnutrition and improve them with proper strategies. The course is one of the few courses that is made an essential component of the “Food, Nutrition and Health” professional certificate programme. The course in the audit mode is self-paced but only provides a limited period of access whereas the candidates during the verified mode will be able to learn the course in an unlimited time frame.

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7 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of nutrition

Offered by

Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen via Edx

Biorefinery: From Biomass to Building Blocks of Biobased Products

The Biorefinery certification programme, offered by the Wageningen University and Research in collaboration with edX, spans seven weeks. This course is provided at the advanced level and requires an undergraduate-level knowledge of chemistry, process engineering, and mathematics. You can also study at your speed as the programme follows a self-paced learning approach.

Besides, this accreditation is free to audit. Video transcripts are also provided to the learners for a convenient learning process. The lessons are delivered online too. Biorefinery: From Biomass to Building Blocks of Biobased Products certification syllabus is an all-inclusive one and covers a broad range of topics like biorefineries, biomass, conversions, downstream processing, process evaluation, and more. Besides, this edX course has a self-directed training model but offers only limited access during the audit track and unlimited access to the course materials when the verified track is selected.

You will also get to evaluate and understand a case study about process design to get an in-depth understanding of the subject. As we cannot depend on fossil fuel energy for long due to their exhaustible nature, biomass power is the sustainable solution. Hence, taking up the Biorefinery course by edX will enable you to develop core practices and skills for a lucrative career ahead.

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7 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of science


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