2 Courses and Certifications

Skillcrush Front End Web Development Courses & Certifications

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Front End Development

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Front End Development

The Front End Development certification course is a three-month complete online course. Once enrolling in the course, the candidate will get lifetime access to the learning materials presented for the course. Here in this Front End Development training, the candidates will learn about different languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - all the building blocks of modern websites. The course will be taught in intervals by three instructors - Sharon Siegel, Ann Cascarano, and Chelsea Jennings. The candidate will get Front End Development certification after the course. In total, there are four modules in the complete Front End Development certification syllabus. The candidate will get the opportunity to learn on a self-paced basis at a flexible duration. The candidate will get two payment options, i.e,  three monthly payments and one-time payment options for enrolling in the course at the time of admission. The training will be provided via an online platform.  

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$ 549
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of CSS Web application development skills
Front End Development + React JavaScript

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Front End Development + React JavaScript

Front End Development+React JavaScript by Skillcrush is an ideal learning programme for budding front-end developers who want to become confident with building websites and get apprised with tech skills. It offers a perfect start to those having brief experience with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript but willing to learn the fundamentals. Experienced instructors shall provide learners with a first-hand experience of JavaScript frameworks or libraries like React JS. 

It has been ensured through Front End Development+React JavaScript Certification Syllabus that the learning is active, interactive, and collaborative. Even those with no prior experience but a mere interest in the domain can carve their personality into a qualified front-end developer through this course.

Front End Development + React JavaScript Certification Benefits include the certification that will accredit the knowledge gained by the learner in the course.

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$ 699
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of CSS Web application development skills


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