32 Courses and Certifications

Swayam History Courses & Certifications

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Economic History of India from 1857 to 1947

The Economic History of India from 1857 to 1947 provides a broader perspective on the economy of India from a historical point of view. The Indian economy was subjected to constant shifts due to colonialism and this course discusses how the country has adjusted to said changes. The course discusses the impact of colonialism, imperialism, land settlements like the zamindari system, permanent settlements, the drain of wealth, economic nationalism, and more on the Indian economy and society.

The Indian economy has drawn its foundation from the colonial period, modelling many economic decisions and structural arrangements since gaining independence. The British colonial period made a great impression on the primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors. The course also discusses the effects of the hardships caused by famines in detail and how this affected the economy. 

The course explains the link between socio-economic & political structures and various historical events in the history of this country. The Indian economy has had to adjust itself accordingly with the occurrence of such events. The course delves into how the Indian economy was able to make the necessary changes moving forward.

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24 Weeks
06 January 2025 - 29 April 2025
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of Sociology
Sr.Secondary History 315

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Sr.Secondary : History (315)

The Sr.Secondary: History (315) Training is a massive open online course that introduces learners to the nature and different phases of Indian culture and human civilizations. The course provided on the senior secondary level is coordinated by Prof Dr. Azmat Noori of the National Institute of Open Schooling. The course includes 5 core modules and 1 optional module wherein the students can choose from the topics evolution of state or culture in India.

The Sr.Secondary: History (315) Certification Course has a duration of 24 weeks and is delivered through the interactive and engaging platform of Swayam. After completing the course and concluding all course steps, learners will get a Sr.Secondary: History (315) Certification by NIOS and Swayam. The course in history will help learners understand the social, economic, religious, and cultural development of India through different historical phases.

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24 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of history
Secondary -Indian Culture & Heritage 223

Offered by

NIOS via Swayam

Secondary : Indian Culture & Heritage (223)

The Secondary: Indian Culture & Heritage (223) Course is a massive open online course that explores the nuances of the culture and heritage of India. The course is coordinated by Prof. Dr. Azmat Noori of the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS). The online course will cover in detail the contribution of ancestors in the domains of arts, architecture, music, language, philosophy, and religion in India.

The Secondary: Indian Culture & Heritage (223) Training will be delivered through an interactive and engaging platform through videos and reading materials. The course constitutes 9 modules and 21 lessons explaining different phases of Indian Culture. After completing the course steps, learners will receive a Secondary: Indian Culture & Heritage (223) Certification by Swayam.

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24 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of Sociology

Indian Culture & History

The Indian Culture & History online course is a 15 weeks program offered by Swayam. In this course, Students can obtain program credits through a written examination at the student's Lal Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth or the examination centre designated by it. The credits will be transferred by Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth to their institution which can be combined in their exam results.

This Indian Culture & History training by Swayam majorly covers the indian culture because culture is the consciousness element of any nation, without culture any nation is like a lifeless body and history is the awakening element of any nation. Unless we are able to get acquainted with our culture and our history, we will not be able to define the nationality of our nation in the true sense.

The aim of the Indian Culture & History syllabus is that such elements should be included which are capable of defining the Indianness of India in the true sense. That is why the topics that have been included under Indian culture include Vedic introduction, introduction to Puranas, introduction to Ashtakavya, information about Ramayana, Mahabharata and a special introduction to Indian philosophy.

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15 Weeks
International Trade Theory and Empirics

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International Trade - Theory and Empirics

The International Trade - Theory and Empirics certification course provide a theoretical and analytical framework to understand recent policy changes and trade strategies. The programme goes over a lot of empirical evidence, along with topics like the pure theory of trade, gains from trade, and the basis of trade. Various advanced-level ideas on trade barriers and strategies are also incorporated.

Moreover, the International Trade - Theory and Empirics programme syllabus discusses various aspects of trade protectionism in the context of the tariff, quota, and subsidies. The latest non-tariff measures such as SPSs and TBTs are also glossed over. AICTE has approved this programme as an FDP (Faculty Development Programme) course.

The International Trade - Theory and Empirics online training are instructed by Prof. Pratap C. Mohanty, who hails from the esteemed IIT Roorkee. He curates and teaches all the video lectures provided. Lastly, upon completion, you can earn an e-certificate from Swayam, provided that you have submitted all the assignments diligently and cleared the final exam.

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12 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of Economics
Introduction to Modern Indian Political Thought

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Introduction to Modern Indian Political Thought

Modern Indian political thought is an intriguing topic of academic discussions and arguments. The Introduction to Modern Indian Political Thought program by SWAYAM is a 12-week-long course that aims to teach the concepts related to Indian politics and its society as a whole. Learners will analyze numerous opinions and sets of intellectual conventions in modern India that continue to resonate in our contemporary politics.

The Introduction to Modern Indian Political Thought certification course is crafted by the Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati. It acquaints the students to some of the most influential Indian thinkers. Also, candidates will understand how their ideas and vision helped define the political and social landscape of modern India, with the help of Professor Mithilesh Kumar Jha.

The Introduction to Modern Indian Political Thought training also discusses some of today’s political challenges, including democracy, nationalism, caste, secularism, and cosmopolitanism. This elective course also provides an e-certificate when candidates undertake SWAYAM’s test and fulfill the specific eligibility criteria.

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12 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of political science
Introduction to Western Political Thought

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Introduction to Western Political Thought

The ‘Introduction to Western Political Thought’ online course is an elective course provided on the Swayam online educational platform. This training program is developed and offered by the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati in association with the National Program for Technology Enhanced Learning. 

The western political thought course is instructed by Dr. Mithilesh Kumar Jha, from the department of humanities and social sciences in IIT Guwahati teaching political science. The course deals with the significant philosophers and their ideologies that influenced and shaped western political thought. The training is conducted for twelve weeks and is a part of the humanities and social sciences categorization. The ‘Introduction to Western Political Thought’ is a faculty development program approved by the All India Council for Technical Education. The students of this course will build a strong theoretical foundation of western political ideas and will gain three credit points after the course completion.

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12 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of political science Knowledge of Sociology Knowledge of history
Introduction to Cultural Studies

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Introduction to Cultural Studies

The Introduction to Cultural Studies online course deals with culture by drawing on psychology, political theory, and various other disciplines. From defining culture to looking at culture through different lenses, the program approaches cultural identities as socially constructed categories. This course also investigates culture from the perspective of identity, authority, and knowledge. 

The Introduction to Cultural Studies certification syllabus includes essential terms and concepts like Homi Baba'sThe other question’, George Orwell'sShooting an elephant’, Bell Hooks ‘Understanding patriarchy’, Judith Butler'sGender Trouble’ and much more. Students also receive rich downloadable materials and a list of books to use as references for further studies.  

Taught by Dr. Avishek Parui, from IIT Madras, the Introduction to Cultural Studies online course is engaging and helps candidates develop a holistic perspective to the concept of culture. The online program also gives regular assignments to help students improve and evaluate their progress.

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12 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Cultural sensitivity
Introduction to Political Ideologies - Contexts, Ideas, and Practices

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Introduction to Political Ideologies: Contexts, Ideas, and Practices

The Introduction to Political Ideologies: Contexts, Ideas, and Practices online course is designed to teach how political membership, human action, ideas of state, and human nature are rooted in political events and activities. The esteemed Indian Institute of Technology, Madras has put together this program. It is also an FDP course approved by the AICTE.

The Introduction to Political Ideologies certification course also enables learners to form reasoned judgments about political incidents and events. A wide range of ideas and contexts will be discussed throughout the course. These include Marxism, Fascism, Ecologism, Liberalism, Nationalism, and more.

The Introduction to Political Ideologies: Contexts, Ideas, and Practices program by SWAYAM is a 12-week-long online course that delivers knowledge through theories and practical examples. The students will deeply understand the political ideologies in the light of recent or current events like social developments, court rulings, or significant policies. The training is provided at the postgraduate/undergraduate study level.

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12 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of political science
Modern Indian Writing in Translation

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Modern Indian Writing in Translation

The Modern Indian Writing In Translation online course belongs to the Department of Humanities and Social sciences and is suitable for undergraduates as well as postgraduate students. The programme covers the information regarding Indian literature, its history, works in different regional languages, modern aspects of Indian literature, etc. Candidates who pursue this course will get to know about modernism, literary traditions, regionalism, and many more relevant topics. The course is offered by IIT, Madras.

Candidates will be provided with reference for external reading and study material by the platform. Participants can appear for the Modern Indian Writing In Translation certification exam if they seek to achieve a certificate upon the completion of the programme. The exam will be conducted in offline mode by the creator of the course and students will have to register themselves for the same by paying the exam fees. Candidates are free to go for a detailed learning experience and take as much time as required to sufficiently complete the Modern Indian Writing In Translation certification syllabus. The course does not require any specific timetable and is a self-paced course. The online programme includes case studies, tests, assignments, discussions, and activities for students to get a better understanding of the topics.

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12 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of history
The Nineteenth-Century English Novel

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The Nineteenth - Century English Novel

Structured as a core course The Nineteenth-Century English Novel training will be providing comprehensive knowledge about nineteenth-century novel-writing techniques. The Nineteenth-Century English Novel certification syllabus will be introducing the registered student to the features of novel-writing in nineteenth-century Britain. 

The Nineteenth-Century English Novel certification benefits the students by providing the students with a close study of the significant novels namely- Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities, Jane Austen’s Persuasion, and R.L.Stevenson A Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyd. Students after completing the online course on The Nineteenth-Century English Novel by Swayam the applicants will be able to understand the nature of the plots that are being used and they will also be learning about the complexities that very involved with respect to the relation in the cultural and social impulses of the nineteenth century period.

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12 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of history
Philosophy of Gandhi

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MGP-002 Philosophy of Gandhi

The Philosophy of Gandhi Certification Course is a massive open online course focusing on the great philosophical ideas of the father of our nation, Mahatma Gandhi. The course attempts to provide a detailed glimpse into Gandhi's philosophies and unique ways of living.

The Philosophy of Gandhi course offered by Swayam is a 4 credit course coordinated by Prof. Anurag Joshi of the Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi. The course is taught at the postgraduate level through interesting and informative videos by experts in the field.

The Philosophy of Gandhi Online Course covers vital aspects regarding the faith and ideology of Gandhi in various spheres of life. It discusses Gandhi's view of religion, human life, and modern civilization. The course will help students who are basing their career in  Humanities and Social Sciences and Political Science.

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12 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of political science
Gandhis Social Thought

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MGP-003 Gandhi’s Social Thought

Gandhi's Social Thought Course is a massive open online course that discusses Mahatma Gandhi's critical viewpoints on tradition, modernity, and the development of humans in general. The course showcases Gandhi's views on social change and social empowerment that have great potential to transform the world.

Gandhi's Social Thought Certification Course is a 4 credit course taught over 12 weeks and coordinated by By Dr. Rukshana Zaman of the Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi. The course is taught at the postgraduate level by experts who deliver content through informative video lectures.

Gandhi's Social Thought Online Course is a course offered by Swayam that discusses various dimensions of Gandhi's thoughts on language, education, nature, and environment. It attempts to gain valuable insights to students pursuing their studies in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences.

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12 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of political science
Gandhis Political Thought

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MGP-004 Gandhi’s Political Thought

Gandhi's Political Thought course is a 4 credit course providing learners with relevant information about Gandhi's thoughts on citizenship, democracy, and nationalism. The course will allow students to widen their thoughts on the political atmosphere of the country and critically analyze its related areas.

Gandhi's Political Thought Certification course is taught for a duration of 12 weeks and coordinated by distinguished Prof. Anurag Joshi of the Indira Gandhi National Open University. The course will provide a detailed overview of Gandhi's political ideologies and their significance in today's world.

Gandhi's Political Thought Online Course is a 4 credit course offered by Swayam for students at the post-graduate level. The course is taught through expert video lectures that throw light on Gandhi's political views on liberty, equality, and socialism that can be of utmost importance to students interested in the field of humanities and sociology.

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12 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of political science
Non-Violence Movements after Gandhi

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MGPE-007: Non-Violence Movements after Gandhi

The Non-Violence Movements after Gandhi Online Course is a massive open online course that falls under the Postgraduate in Gandhian Peace Studies. The course provides students with a glimpse of Gandhi's intellectual journey and its significance in today's world.

The Non-Violence Movements after Gandhi Course is a 4 credit course coordinated by Prof. Debal K SinghaRoy of the Indira Gandhi National Open University. The course helps students pursuing their studies in Humanities and Social Sciences to widen their knowledge about crucial movements that have transformed humankind.

The Non-Violence Movements after Gandhi course offered by Swayam is taught at the postgraduate level The course is taught in English medium through self-explanatory, self-motivating, and self-evaluative study material available as both audio and video by experts. The assessment is done through assignments and a term-end exam.

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12 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of political science Knowledge of Sociology
Gandhi The Man and His Times

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MGP-001 Gandhi: The Man and His Times

The Gandhi: The Man and His Times Online Course is a massive open online course that is part of the Post Graduate course in Gandhi and Peace Studies (PGCGPS). The course will help learners pursuing their studies in Political Science to expand their knowledge about Gandhi, his ideologies, and the thinkers who inspired the mastermind.

The Gandhi: The Man and His Times Certification course offered on the Swayam portal discusses the life of the celebrated man right from his early days to the major contributions he made in changing the face of the nation. The course will be delivered using self-contained and self-evaluative material that can help learners grasp every detail properly.

The Gandhi: The Man and His Times Course is coordinated by Prof. Anurag Joshi of the Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi. The audio and video material provided by experts in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences. The mode of assessment for the online course would be through assignments and a term-end exam.

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12 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of political science
Gandhi in the 21st Century

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MGPE-009: Gandhi in the 21st Century

The Gandhi in the 21st Century course offered by Swayam is a 4 credit course and an integral part of the Master's programme in Gandhian studies, focusing on the visionary impact of our father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi. The course attempts to critically analyze the viewpoints and approaches of Gandhi hoping to use them effectively in the present circumstances of the world.

The Gandhi in the 21st Century Online course discusses the all-inclusive socio-economical and political theory put forward by Gandhi in the 20th Century and puts light on its significance in the modern world. It explains in detail the Gandhian ideology connected with topics like globalisation, democracy, diversities, multiculturalism and other contemporary concerns.

The Gandhi in the 21st Century Course is a postgraduate level course that is taught over 12 weeks. It is an important course for Humanities and Social Sciences students who wish to know the pragmatic ways in which Gandhian concepts can be implemented to solve the problems of the present world.  It is taught by Dr. Shubhangi Vaidya of Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi.

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12 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of political science
Gandhi Ecology and Sustainable Development

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MGPE-014: Gandhi: Ecology and Sustainable Development

The Gandhi: Ecology and Sustainable Development course is a postgraduate level course taught by Dr. Shubhangi Vaidya of Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi. The course attempts to analyse the practical capabilities of Gandhian philosophy relating to an eco-friendly living atmosphere.

The Gandhi: Ecology and Sustainable Development course offered by Swayam provides students with a detailed understanding of the Gandhian ideas surrounding the topic of ecology and sustainable development. It constitutes 16 units taught over 12 weeks by giving in-depth knowledge on various aspects of mother earth and its sustainable outlook.

The Gandhi: Ecology and Sustainable Development Online Course allows students of humanities and social sciences to gain knowledge about the conservation of natural resources and dimensions of ecological development. It introduces students to various environmental movements, green initiatives and case studies that root for a sustainable way of living.

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12 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of political science Knowledge of Environmental Science Knowledge of ecosystem
India and the World

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MPSE-001: India and the World

India and the World Course provided by Swayam is a 4 credit course that discusses the interests, strategies and vision of Indian in the global sphere. The course puts forward a detailed overview of India’s foreign policy, its bilateral relations and the overall effects it has on its citizens. The course is apt for humanities and social sciences students who wish to study the Indian presence worldwide.

India and the World Course is a postgraduate level course that provides valuable insights on India's actions on a global level. It helps students understand the process behind different foreign policies and foreign trade. It imparts knowledge on the contemporary issues affecting the world and discusses its multiple consequences.

India and the World Online course is taught over a duration of 12 weeks through videos of expert lectures from Delhi University, JNU, Jamia and other parts of the countries, media personalities. The course is guided and instructed by Prof. Satish Kumar of Indira Gandhi National Open University.

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12 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of history
Ancient Greek and Medieval Philosophy

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Ancient Greek and Medieval Philosophy

Ancient Greek philosophy has influenced western culture and thinking to a vast extent. Its philosophers have left a wealth of historical information for the present and future generations to learn and decipher. Moreover,  one can also use ancient philosophy to gain insight into modern society and its struggles.

Thus, the Ancient Greek and Medieval Philosophy by Swayam will help you gain an in-depth knowledge of Greek philosophy and its history. The comprehensive curriculum will take you on a journey through different schools of thought and some of Philosophy’s dominant figures. You will also learn about ancient philosophers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle and their significant contributions.

Additionally, the Ancient Greek and Medieval Philosophy online course will run for 12 weeks to help you learn numerous complex topics and fascinating theories. Dr Babu M N and the Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit, Kalady will be presenting this programme. Upon completing the course, you can attain Swayam’s Ancient Greek and Medieval Philosophy certification by fulfilling the required eligibility.

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12 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of history

Indian Business History

The Indian Business History online course covers the periods of Indian history from the 17th century to the 21st-century business economy developments. The evolutionary perspective of Indian business history will be covered. The nature of Indian business policies will be analyzed and its historical background will be shown to the candidates. India’s relations with foreign countries and how they shaped the Indian economy will also be analyzed. 

Students from diverse backgrounds can learn from this course. The program is a government initiative wherein the entire program can be completed in 8 weeks. The program is offered via Swayam. Being a free learning programme, the people from weaker sections can get benefitted from the programme. The Indian Business History certification can be shared via Facebook, Linkedin, and other methods. The certification can be shared to gain new professional networks. The certification will benefit research-based work needs, career growth and academic recognition.

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8 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of history
Philosophical Foundations of Social Research

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Philosophical Foundations of Social Research

Philosophical Foundations of Social Research program indulges in the nature of social science inquiry. The course covers many topics, such as the philosophy of science, ontology, epistemology, and applications in different areas. At the end of the course, participants will be familiar with the plurality of views in the intellectual community, applications of the philosophy of science in social sciences, analyze issues in social sciences, and practice scholarly discussions. 

Philosophical Foundations of Social Research certification is an elective course in humanities and social sciences with no enrolment fee or prerequisites. It is an online undergraduate/postgraduate course that any interested candidates can join. The course is the result of a collaboration between IIT Guwahati and NPTEL. This AICTE approved FDP course will be taught by professor Sambit Mallick. 

Philosophical Foundations of Social Research is an eight-week-long course with an e-certificate available for candidates. Participants will be given periodic assignments to evaluate their progress. A list of books is also available on the website for any additional studying.

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8 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of Sociology

English Literature of the Romantic Period, 1798-1832

English Literature of the Romantic Period, 1798-1832 online course is an elective programme that falls under the ‘Humanities and Social Sciences’ and ‘English Studies’ subject categories. The programme is a joint collaboration by the University of Hyderabad, Swayam’s learning platform, and NPTEL. Furthermore, this is an FDP training approved by the AICTE that focuses on students at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. 

The English Literature of the Romantic Period, 1798-1832 certification syllabus will introduce you to the Romantic age of English Literature. The course explores various Romanticism elements that include socio-cultural backgrounds, politics, aesthetics, sentiment and ecology through different romantic prose. As the programme does not have any prerequisites, you don't require any previous knowledge of the subject matter to enrol. 

The English Literature of the Romantic Period online programme also provides an e-certificate to those who qualify for the final exam and fulfil all the eligibility requirements. As this is a free course by Swayam, you only have to pay the exam fee to gain the certification.

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8 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of history

History of Modern East Asia II (c. 1868-1945) Japan & Korea

The History of Modern East Asia II (c. 1868-1945) Japan & Korea by Swayam is a massive open online course that will cater to students and scholars dealing with Japan and Korea’s historical background. The course will provide detailed information about Korea and Japan’s gradual modern transformation. The course covers the Joseon period to the colonization/ post-war periods. The diverse and parallel connection between Korea and Japan will be shown in the course.

The course is divided into two sections- Japan (c. 1868 - 1945) and Emergence of Modern Korea. The candidates will receive weekly assignments that have to be submitted on time. Model questions and support groups for answering the questions of the students will also be shown. This course will provide 2 credits that can be transferred through the credit transfer system in the academic records.

The candidates will receive the certification after clearing the end-term exam. The History of Modern East Asia II (c. 1868-1945) Japan & Korea online course certification is an asset that will add value to the student’s life. The certification will provide career growth and more accessibility to Korean and Japanese culture.

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8 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of history

Delhi Sultanate (1206-1550)

The Delhi Sultanate (1206-1550) course by Swayam, is based on the CBCS syllabus of the History of India. It focuses on the various minute details regarding the Delhi Sultanate, including historiography, politics, economy, religion, society, and culture. The programme lectures are analytical, informative, and student-friendly, helping the candidates gather a significant amount of expertise in the subject. 

Swayam’s Delhi Sultanate (1206-1550) programme is taught by Dr. Tinni Goswami, from St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Kolkata. This course curriculum aims to help the students get a deeper understanding of the  Delhi Sultanate’s discourses and recognise the historical continuity that took place throughout the ages. 

The Delhi Sultanate (1206-1550) training certification is an online course, under the Humanities and Social Sciences category. It is an undergraduate-level programme and takes around eight weeks to complete. The programme is replete with video lectures, reading materials, practice tests, and an optional end-term assessment. After fulfilling the required criteria, you will receive a certificate upon course completion. 

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8 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of history

Aspects of European History (1780-1939)

The ‘Aspects of European History (1780-1939)’ online course is a study of the history of Europe in the set time period along with the political and societal transformations. This massive online open course allows students to discuss political movements such as conservatism, liberalism, radicalism, democracy, socialism, Communism, and Fascism. This certification is provided by Swayam along with Consortium for Educational Communication (CEC). 

The elective course is conducted for eight weeks and the classes are held in a virtual learning environment aided with online resources that offer an experiential learning process. The course instructor for this program is an academic professional, Prof. Subhas Ranjan Chakrobarty from St. Xavier's College (Autonomous), Kolkata

The ‘Aspects of European History (1780-1939)’ online training focuses on the historical movements and delivers a perspective of the contemporary world. The humanities and social science course enable students to get a course certificate and credit points at the undergraduate level.

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8 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of political science Knowledge of Sociology Knowledge of history

History of Modern East Asia -1 (c.1840-1949)

The History of Modern East Asia -1 (c.1840-1949) course by Swayam will provide the learners with an in-sight into the historic events of pre modern China. They will learn about the pre modern societies, their social and ruling classes, the opium war of 1840, transformation of china into a semi colony, the Taiping revolution, the era of Tung Chi restoration and imperialism by the western powers and their ‘Open Door’ policy.

They will have knowledge about the democratic republican revolution which gave rise to a republic in China, various republican experiments of China which proved to be a failure, the student movement of 1919, commonly known as the May 4th Movement, the rise of Communist Party of China in 1920, the two edged struggle of the communist party of China against the Japanese imperialism, on one hand, and the nationalists, on the other and the victory of People’s Republic of China on 1st October 1949. Candidates who are keen on learning about the history of the Republic of China can pursue this course.

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8 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of history
Social History of Medicine in Colonial India

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Social History of Medicine in Colonial India

8 Weeks
Study of Art History of Prose Forms of Urdu

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Study of Art History of Prose Forms of Urdu (AECC)

The Study of Art History of Prose Forms of Urdu (AECC) program enlists and extensively covers the B.A. Urdu (Honours) syllabus according to the UGC CBCS guidelines. It is essentially an ability enhancement course designed to supplement the students’ understanding of Urdu prose’s various dimensions. 

The Study of Art History of Prose Forms of Urdu (AECC) online course is scheduled for six weeks, designed for undergraduate students. Dr. Mushtaq Hussain Magloo, who has secured a Ph.D. degree in Urdu from the University of Kashmir, delivers the curriculum. With years of academic experience and a firm grip over the subject, he ensures that students undergo a comfortable and adequate learning experience.

The Study of Art History of Prose Forms of Urdu (AECC) certification syllabus comprehensively covers all the relevant areas and genres of the subject like Maktoob nigari, Reportage, Swaneh, Mazmoon, Novel, Dastaam, Afsana, and Safarnama. The stages of development, along with the form and art of the genres, are also discussed, thereby ensuring that they develop a holistic understanding of the subject. 

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6 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of history
Introduction to History of Architecture in India

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Introduction to History of Architecture in India

The Introduction to History of Architecture in India program will help you understand architectural works as material expressions of societies, polities, and aspirations of a region. The course also provides a broad perspective on India's five thousand years of rich architectural history.

Moreover, the Introduction to History of Architecture in India course by Swayam is available at the UG level. In just four weeks, you will have acquired knowledge of the various cultural, artisanal, technological, and philosophical processes of every period and place of architecture in India. 

Core topics covered in the Introduction to History of Architecture in India syllabus include Cave & Wooden architecture, Islamic architecture, Sultanate architecture, Medieval temples, Mughals and Rajputs, Neoclassical architecture, and more. 

As such, you will study the complete history of architecture in India, starting from the Bronze Age through the Vedic Culture period, early Buddhist period, early modernity in architecture, and colonial buildings. Finally, the Introduction to History of Architecture in India online course will culminate on the architecture from the Republic of India.

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4 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of history


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