54 Courses and Certifications

Duke University Durham Courses & Certifications 2024

  • Ownership: Private
  • Estd. Year: 1924
  • Total Faculty: 5389
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Product Management Certification Program

The Product Management Certification Program is a 6-10.5 Months online certification program designed specifically for working professionals in the field with a minimum of a year experience to develop and enhance their practical knowledge and skills in the field of Product Management. Upon completion of the certification program, participants will receive Certifications from Duke Corporate Education and upGrad.

The course programme offers real-world skills and requires about eight to ten hours per week to educate professionals on how to build product roadmaps. The certification program imparts through the use of tools such as prototype, product analysis, user-research, and personalised resume-building exercise from the top and renowned industry experts and Duke CE faculty. 

The UpGrad Product Management Certification Program offers fifteen+ case studies and assignments along with one-to-one mentorship from eminent product experts across the industry. The certification programme platforms live discussions and sessions for query resolutions and also conducts mock interviews with industry experts as a pre-preparation method.

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6 Months
Skills Covered:
Analytical skills Designing skills Knowledge of Product Management

Medical Neuroscience

Medical Neuroscience certification is a 100% online course that is an offering by Duke University, and Coursera. In this neuroscience course, the candidates can explore the neurophysiology related to the human nervous system that helps in providing a neurobiological framework that in turn helps in finding out how human behaviour works.

Medical Neuroscience training will help discover the foundations for understanding the action, sensations, impairments of the human brain. Candidates will be discovering the organizations of the neural system that happens in the spinal cord or brain that can meditate sensation so that it can integrate the signals with emotion, memory, injury, or dysfunction of the central nervous system. Ultimately, the course will focus on the knowledge that is acquired in cell studies related to human anatomy and the physiology of the brain. The entire course comes in 12 weeks with an additional week dedicated to a final exam that when cleared by students will give a certificate.

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18 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of healthcare sciences

Introductory Human Physiology

Introductory Human Physiology certification is a 10 weeks course launched together with the joint initiative of Duke University, and Coursera. This course is fully an online one which is both for any industry professional or an amateur person who wants to learn about the 9 organs of the body. 

Introductory Human Physiology training continues for 33 hours from the day of enrollment. Duke University’s course has a syllabus that is developed by a world-class faculty. With this certificate course, the candidates will learn to recognize how the basic concepts can govern the total body functions of the different organs present in the human body. The syllabus of this course includes Homeostasis and Endocrine System, Nervous System, Muscle, Nervous System, Cardiovascular System, Endocrine System, Endocrine System, Gastrointestinal System, and reproductive system.

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11 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of Biology

English Composition I

English Composition I certification is a 10 weeks course that is available on the platform of Coursera, and whose foundation has been laid by Duke University. This beginner-level certification course nearly requires 25 hours of a student’s time to conclude the learning, and gain a certificate. This course is only available in the online mode which will enhance a student’s writing, and editing skills both.

English Composition I training is apt for students who want to learn to read carefully, write arguments that are effective, understand what the writing process involves, and finally by engaging with other's ideas by citing accurately can craft prose that is extremely powerful. Moreover, in short with a shareable certificate, the candidates will find useful tips to enhance their English writing skills.

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10 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Writing skills Language skills

Introduction to Programming and Animation with Alice

The Introduction to Programming and Animation with Alice programme by Coursera is a beginner-level course in animation and programming which takes about 47 hours to complete. Duke University offers the introductory course in association with Coursera, while the lessons are delivered in English.

Moreover, the Introduction to Programming and Animation with Alice certification course comprises many programming concepts and technical assignments to combine theoretical knowledge with practical applications. Instructed by experienced professors, the well-structured course offers a fun and engaging learning experience.

The Introduction to Programming and Animation with Alice online course will primarily teach you how to combine programming and animation to develop 3D animated stories. You will become adept in building a storyboard to narrate a story, move the camera, include repetitions, set up a scene, among others.

Besides, the Introduction to Programming and Animation with Alice course is an excellent introduction to Alice and programming concepts. You can even use the ideas you have learned throughout the certification course to build 3D games. What's more, upon successful completion, you can earn a course completion certificate from Coursera and Duke University.

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8 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Programming skills

Increasing Real Estate Management Profits: Harnessing Data Analytics

Increasing Real Estate Management Profits: Harnessing Data Analytics certification is a 23 hours course that can be undertaken only if the participants have finished off courses 1-4 of the Excel to MySQL: Analytic Techniques for Business Specialization. The certificate is given by Coursera in partnership with Duke University.

In this final Increasing Real Estate Management Profits: Harnessing Data Analytics training, candidates will be completing a Capstone Project that usually uses data analytics to recommend how one can improve his or her company’s profits. Here the company will be Watershed Property Management, Inc. where students will be trained to develop their MySQL database skills that database skills so that data can be extracted with ease. The participants will also be ready to articulate process change for their business, Watershed which can be based on their data analysis.

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7 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Data science knowledge Knowledge of Real Estate Sector

Introduction to Chemistry: Reactions and Ratios

Introduction to Chemistry: Reactions and Ratios certification is a 7-week long course that is a joint offering of Coursera, and Duke University. This 100% online course is under the engineering and physical science category of Coursera. If participants have an interest in moving ahead in their careers with knowledge of chemistry then this course is definitely for them.

Introduction to Chemistry: Reactions and Ratios training involves concepts like stoichiometry, nomenclature chemical reactions, periodic trends, the periodic table, and chemical problem-solving. This beginner-level certification is offered for participants who have a limited understanding of the subject chemistry

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7 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of Chemistry

Introduction to Chemistry: Structures and Solutions

Introduction to Chemistry: Structures and Solutions certification is a beginner-level programme requiring only 17 hours that is conducted over 7 weeks. The course content has been built by Duke University whereas the completion certificate is the department of the online provider Coursera.

Introduction to Chemistry: Structures and Solutions training is an introductory level course that can even be suitable to candidates who have zero or limited knowledge of chemistry. This certification course belongs to the course category of physical science and engineering on Coursera. The introductory concepts will be available to the candidates in the form of short reading, or videos, or even practice exercises. Both the course, and its mentors are wonderful, and thus the participants will learn the concepts with ease throughout this online course.

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7 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of Chemistry

Data Structures and Performance

It seems difficult for Java to deal with data in huge quantities. Various data algorithms and frameworks work together when applications exercise vast and real data sets. Data Structures and Performance is a Java course at an intermediate level which is recommended to the candidates who have an experience or familiar with computer science or software development. The programme focuses on establishing code which finishes the work effectively and efficiently by giving accurate results.

In this programme, the candidates would get an opportunity to analyze and utilize data structures that are applied in industry-level applications like hashtables, trees, and lists. The concepts will describe how the data framework makes programmes flexible and efficient. Through this course, the candidates can apply to Professional Certificates programs as well as multiple specializations. This course would be counted towards training in Object-Oriented Java Programming: Data Structures and Beyond Specialization and Object Oriented Programming in Java Specialization.

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6 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of Data Sorting

Chimpanzee Behavior and Conservation

6 Weeks

Object Oriented Programming in Java

This course is developed for people with many goals like software developers and people who are trying to polish their programming skills. Object-Oriented Programming in Java is an intermediate Java course, designed for learners who have previous knowledge about software development or any background in computer science. The course moves with the objective that when you complete the course you are confident to create a java program on your own and carrying much more knowledge about programming than before. 

You will learn the fundamentals of object-oriented programming, building graphical user interfaces, how to leverage the power of existing libraries and using some core algorithms for searching and sorting data.

The course is designed knowing well how the learners are from different backgrounds and are here for different objectives, seeing that the first week you will get to know about the course, how you will learn and why this course. You will get assignments and quizzes, also get to participate in group forums with other students of the course. 

You will take a minimum of 6 weeks to complete this course. 

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6 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Java Programming skills Knowledge of Algorithms

Data Visualization and Communication with Tableau

Data Visualization and Communication with Tableau certification is an initiative that is done jointly by Coursera and Duke University. This is actually course 3 of 5 of the specialization -  Excel to MySQL: Analytic Techniques for Business. This course will teach that statistical analyses may not be fruitful even if they are sophisticated if they do not lead to any advice upon which action can be taken.

Data Visualization and Communication with Tableau training explain how business data analysts have one great skill which is the communication ability to express the practical implications related to quantitative analyses towards any kind of audience including non-technical ones in business organizations. This certification programme will finally enlighten participants to become the best in business-relevant communications that will yield results for the stakeholders in different business sectors.

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6 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Tableau knowledge Knowledge of Data Visualization

Inferential Statistics

Inferential Statistics certification is a 5 weeks online course that belongs to the specialization of Statistics with R. This programme is course number 2 of 5 whose main focus is inferential statistics. The course belongs to a beginner level which only has a time requirement of 17 hours spread over the 5 weeks duration. Not only an end certificate is provided but also the study time can be reset at whatever time suits the candidates, 

Inferential Statistics training does help perform hypothesis testing, report the analysis of results by interpreting p-values, so that whatever is reported can be interpreted easily for the public or even the clients. Participants can learn to use the data examples that will help to report the estimates related to quantities that can express the uncertainty of interests. The participants can also learn the installation of R and RStudio software that is for the project in the final week of this course.

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5 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Statistical skills R Programming

Bayesian Statistics

Bayesian Statistics certification is a 5-week long programme where all the participants enrolling must devote approximately 35 hours of their time. This certification course is available on the Coursera platform but has been designed by Duke University. Also, this course is part 4 of 5 in the specialization of Statistics with R Specialization offering a free trial that is valid for 7 whole days. Whoever the interested participants must make sure that they have some kind of prior knowledge of what all is taught in the precious course parts of the specialization.

The Bayesian Statistics training will be responsible for introducing Bayesian comparisons related to means, credible regions, and Bayesian regression using multiple models to the participants. The course finally teaches all the applicants to learn the application of Bayesian methods to several practical issues and implementation in R programming. Apart from providing a certificate that is shareable, the candidates will be able to change the course timings with respect to their convenient schedules.

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5 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Statistical skills R Programming

FinTech Law and Policy

The FinTech Law and Policy course is offered by Duke University. This course includes different aspects of laws and regulations applicable to a business. The course is based on the emergence of new financial technologies such as cryptocurrency and its legal, regulatory and policy issues. The course will give information about the initial coin offering in these new financial technologies and how a person can use new payment methods and wealth management technologies in expanding their business.

The course duration will be 5-weeks which is designed with the aim to help the candidates with legal and regulatory challenges faced by the organisations in different sectors. Also, the course helps the candidates to learn about the basics of bank regulation in the US. This course will be instructed by Lee Reiners, Executive Director of Global Financial Markets Centre.

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5 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Financial knowledge Knowledge of Cryptocurrency Knowledge of law Legal Knowledge

Copyright for Educators & Librarians

Copyright for Educators & Librarians certification is a 5 weeks online course. This course has been prepared by Duke University, Emory University, and the University of North Carolina at Chappel Hill but it is presented by Coursera as a certificate course for the participants. This certificate course is responsible for teaching the fundamentals of copyright law.

Usually, people who are educators often have fear and develop uncertainty about the law of copyright. That is when the Copyright for Educators & Librarians training gives a chance for professional development that provides fundamental ideas regarding the US copyright law which will enlighten the teachers and librarians at different levels. This certificate course will at the end teach what law is designed for helping the educators, or librarians.

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5 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of law

Managing Big Data with MySQL

Managing Big Data with MySQL certification is offered by Duke University by associating with the online education provider platform Coursera. This course is offered as part of the Specialization - Excel to MySQL: Analytic Techniques for Business. Taking around 19 hours to get completed, this certification is course 4 of 5 in the specialization. To make the participant’s life easier there are 11 languages in which subtitles can be accessed.

Managing Big Data with MySQL training is basically introduced for making the participants aware of relational databases. These databases are important for conducting business analysis. The applicants shall also make entity-relationship diagrams for displaying data structures within the database. This online course is apt for participants who can help in understanding what, and how data can be captured for business purposes. It will also enlighten on the aggregation statements used by business analysts for real databases so there is no need for waiting for others to give data insights. 

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5 Weeks
Skills Covered:
SQL knowledge

Managing Machine Learning Projects

The Managing Machine Learning Projects certification course is a lunch of Duke University’s Pratt School of Engineering, and Coursera. This is course number 2 of the main AI Product Management Specialization programme. The course has a main focus on the practical aspects related to the management of projects in machine learning.

The Managing Machine Learning Projects training will take around 18 hours to get completed. This Coursera programme will walk every participant through different processes like data collection, building of a model, data collection, deployment, and maintenance of the systems of production. Apart from the above the candidates will also be taught processes in data science so that decision making in ML systems can be easier. 

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5 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Project management Machine learning Predictive Modeling knowledge

The Challenges of Global Health

5 Weeks

Java Programming Arrays, Lists, and Structured Data

Java language is one of the most preferred and popular languages used worldwide. Offered by Duke University, the Java Programming: Arrays, Lists, and Structured Data course certification programme by Coursera, prepares the candidate to master the Java language and all the other elements associated with it. 

The program teaches several skills such as Java Programming, Hash Table, Data Structure and Cryptography. Once completed, candidates will get a shareable certificate. It can be shared electronically ahead. The programme is also available in different languages namely, Korean and English. The candidates will become master in Java programming language and learn to read and write data, solve different problems, manipulate and store data and perform many other things that are needed for creating new data structures. 

This is a 14-hour certification course that’s provided 100 percent online. Candidates will get study material in the form of recordings, online video lectures, quizzes, and assignments.

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1 Months
Skills Covered:

Financial Risk Management with R

Financial Risk Management with R certification is a 15 hours course belonging to the  Entrepreneurial Finance: Strategy and Innovation Specialization course track that is offered by Coursera along with the academic side taken care of by Duke University. This programme is basically launched to teach the participants how they can make calculations about the returns of portfolio securities to quantify the market risk which is basically a requisite skill for the financial analysts in banks, insurance companies, hedge funds, and different investment firms. 

Financial Risk Management with R training will help candidates use the two tools RStudio and R programming language with Microsoft Open R for calculating the Value-at-Risk (VaR), risk of stock portfolios, and Expected Shortfall (ES). This is an intermediate level of course that may require additional R programming skills for its participants. Additionally, the certificate will boost the confidence of the candidates pursuing risk calculation. 

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4 Weeks
Skills Covered:
R Programming Financial Management Risk Management

Writing, Running, and Fixing Code in C

Offered by Duke University, the Writing, Running and Fixing Code in C Programme, is ideal for professionals interested in learning and mastering the basics of programming language. The need of the hour, coding is one of the most sought after areas that is always and will remain in trend. Understanding the key requisites of the corporate world, the programme will enable candidates to learn and master different skills namely, debugging, compiler, C Programming and many others. The programme is a beginner level programme and can be pursued by professionals keen on learning to code. To make it easy, the programme is also accessible in different languages apart from English. The candidate will learn about planning algorithms, compiling and thereafter running it. The programme offers a certificate in the end if successfully completed.

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4 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Programming skills

Introduction to Probability and Data with R

Introduction to Probability and Data with R certification is a small-term course that is offered by Duke University, and the certification is guaranteed by Coursera. This is an online course that is presented during a time period of 5 whole weeks in a total span of 14 hours. With this certification course, candidates will be becoming familiar with ways to sampling, and data exploration. 

Introduction to Probability and Data with R training falls under the course specialization of Statistics with R and is the first course in this specialization. Coming with subtitles in 10 languages, this course is a beginner or introductory level programme. Learners will be tested with both lab exercises, for correctly grasping the entire knowledge. Whatever techniques shall be taught will be acting as the building blocks for other courses present in the Specialization. All this will lead the students to pursue careers as data scientists, or statistical analysts.

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4 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Statistical skills R Programming

Programming Fundamentals

Programming Fundamentals certification is an online course, conducted for 4 weeks, is prepared by Duke University and is offered by Coursera. This course is the first part of the specialization, Introductory C Programming Specialization which focuses on programming essentials, the skills of which are necessary for making a career in software development or other fields.

Programming Fundamentals training is extended for students in different subtitles like English, Spanish, German, French, and more. This certification course will be teaching the participants fundamental programming activities like analysing, understanding, generating the algorithms, requirement verification, implementation of algorithms, and other resource consumption. With this course completion certificate, participants can develop certain algorithms along with reading programming codes, and also relate algorithms to programming. 

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4 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Problem Solving Ability Programming skills Knowledge of Algorithms

Startup Valuation Methods

Startup Valuation Methods certification is the first part of the Entrepreneurial Finance: Strategy and Innovation Specialization. This certification course is provided online by Coursera but has been designed by Duke University. This course will teach the candidates to give valuation to entrepreneurial ventures using excel spreadsheet models. These ventures shall include startups that are already growing.

Startup Valuation Methods training will teach the ways in which differentiation can be made between the different financing strategies like venture capital, crowdfunding, loans, and angel investment. Finally, this certification will actually enlighten the participants about company valuation pertaining to all sizes, and kinds that are based on several different criteria of funding including sources of funds that may be arranged from investors. 

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4 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Financial knowledge Entrepreneurial skills

Think Again I: How to Understand Arguments

Think Again I: How to Understand Arguments certification is a course that is currently part 1 of 4 belonging to the specialization of Introduction to Logic and Critical Thinking. The entire course is of 4 weeks duration and is presented on the platform of Coursera by Duke University. All the weeks are divided into some hours each which teaches in the form of videos, ungraded quizzes after each week’s completion, and finally one long graded one at the end.

Think Again I: How to Understand Arguments training will explain what exactly an argument is so that it enables the participants to identify what kind of arguments the different kinds of speakers are giving so that their connections are revealed. Also with this certification course, candidates will be able to fill in gaps for their communication with arguments by adding premises that are suppressed. This will also teach participants to admire other people’s arguments.

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4 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Communication skills

Think Again IV: How to Avoid Fallacies

Think Again IV: How to Avoid Fallacies certification is a 4 weeks course that belongs to the Introduction to Logic and Critical Thinking Specialization course. This certification course is a joint association between Coursera, and Duke University. In everyday lives everyone encounters fallacies. Everyone, including children, salespersons, and politicians, are mainly known for using fallacies that can be identified with this course.

Think Again IV: How to Avoid Fallacies certification syllabus is divided into many different video segments. These videos are followed by some small ungraded quizzes after every segment. All this then is topped off with a final quiz that is graded at the end of the course.

Think Again IV: How to Avoid Fallacies training allows people to avoid common fallacies so that they never get fooled by others, and not think what these people want them to believe. Also learning about fallacies is important as the participants can stop using fallacies themselves. 

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4 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Logical Reasoning

Think Again II: How to Reason Deductively

Think Again II: How to Reason Deductively certification is a 4 weeks course offered by Coursera along with Duke University. This course has been made available for those participants who want to learn truth tables to state the information in the conclusion of an argument to prove that it is deductive, and valid at the same time. The final certificate gives value to the participant’s career and makes it more beneficial.

Think Again II: How to Reason Deductively training will give room for more detailed exercises for those wanting to explore topics like Ninth Edition, Understanding Arguments: An Introduction to Informal Logic, and more in detail. Then the entire weekly syllabus will be divided into innumerable video segments that have to be seen in groups or separately. Ultimately these will be backed by short quizzes to check their understanding of each segment followed by a lengthy graded quiz at the course end.

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4 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Critical thinking

Blockchain Business Models

Blockchain Business Models certification is a 4 weeks course that is conducted within 12 hours by Coursera along with the joint participation of Duke University. Blockchain these days has become a disruptive technology but which is not at all understood by the layman. This course has been created as a part of the main specialization course of Entrepreneurial Finance: Strategy and Innovation. The course curriculum is beautifully made into a mix of videos, reading, graded peer feedback on assignments, practice quizzes.

Actually, this Blockchain Business Models training will help understand how blockchain can make value by creating tokenization in practical applications like cryptocurrencies, machine to machine payments, supply chain management, distributed exchanges, secure voting, identity protection, decentralized finance, central bank fiat-crypto, property transfers, media, financial reporting, and even advertising. Earning the completion certificate will allow the participants to apply blockchain to their organizations confidently.

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4 Weeks
$ 4,053
Skills Covered:
Innovative Knowledge of Cryptocurrency Knowledge of Blockchain

Cloud Computing Foundations

Cloud Computing Foundations certification is a 19 hours approximate course that belongs to the  Building Cloud Computing Solutions at Scale Specialization course. This has been launched by Coursera and the academic portion has been taken care of by Duke University. With this online certification course, participants will be able to construct an infrastructure of cloud computing that shall include a serverless technology of websites that will involve serverless technology. 

Cloud Computing Foundations training is basically for both beginners and other students who want to learn how they can apply cloud computing to machine learning, data science, and data engineering. With this training course, candidates will also have the leverage of learning how techniques of agile software development can be applied to different projects that will be helpful in developing global-scale cloud infrastructures, and portfolio projects. Along with the above, the course will also provide one agreeable certificate of completion that can be a step towards career growth.

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4 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of cloud computing


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