The inauguration followed by an
overview of all day’s hands-on
training events information in
detail. Pre-requisites helpful
information for all hands-on
training experiments.
RNA isolation from DNA/RNA virusinfected cells (Trizol method). Visualization, quantitation, and analysis of RNA from virus-infected host cells (RNA gel electrophoresis, nanodrop, spectroscopy)
RNA to cDNA conversion and preparation of real-time PCR plate (PCR, RT-PCR)
Real-time PCR experiments with
various primers and analysis the
results (qRT-PCR)
Virus-infected cells biomolecular spectrum study compared to controls (Raman microspectroscopy)
Analysis of biomolecular signature
obtained from Raman spectroscopy
(Analysis and result interpretation,
Principal component analysis)
Protein biomarkers study through Immunofluorescence study (Immuno-florescence methods)
Protein biomarkers observation
through a Fluorescence microscope
along with nuclear staining
(Fluorescence microscope)
Preparation of virus-infected cells for cell sorting and Immunophenotyping (Flow cytometer protocol)
Using cell sorting &
Immunophenotyping of Virus
infected cells (BD FACSARIA III &
Large scale Machine learning algorithm& applications to Biomedical Data
Deep Learning approaches for
Biomedical data
Overall assessment, test, and feedback session
Valedictory function and certificate
distribution to participants,
volunteers, and faculties.